AI Tutorial
Exploding Backpack


      Today our bot is going to get a little bit devious.
      He will learn how to throw an exploding backpack. Other deathmatchers will see it, try to pick it up, and boom! it will explode on them. Like my previous tutorials, it's all about giving the bot a personality.
      First open TUTOR.QC. Before the routine bot_search_for_items(), paste this new routine:

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
void() fake_backpack_touch =
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

	if (other == self.owner || other == world)

	if (other.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM)
		WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x);
		WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y);
		WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z);
		BecomeExplosion ();
		T_Damage (other, self, self, 500);


      This will be the exploding pack's touch routine. Child's play: if a player or bot touches the pack, it creates an explosion, hurts them, and removes itself. I just mimicked the explosion code from WEAPONS.QC. After that place this:

// --------------------------------------
void() drop_fake_backpack =
// --------------------------------------
local entity item;

	item = spawn();
	item.origin = self.origin - '0 0 24';
	item.velocity_z = 300;
	item.velocity_x = -100 + (random() * 400);
	item.velocity_y = -100 + (random() * 400);
	item.flags = FL_ITEM;
	item.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
	item.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
	setmodel (item, "progs/backpack.mdl");
	item.classname = "explopack";
	setsize (item, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 56');
	item.owner = self;
	item.touch = fake_backpack_touch;
	item.nextthink = time + 240;
	item.think = SUB_Remove;


      Just another entity creation routine; you've likely seen a bunch of them. The bot throws an item that looks like a backpack and feels like a rocket. Heehee. Oh, by the way, two things: one, it will not blow up on him and two, since it is flagged as an item, other bots will go for it. Heeheehee.
      The next step is to scroll down to bot_search_for_items(). We don't want the owner of the explopack trying to pick it up, but we want the others to get it. You should see this code:

// checks a radius around him for items
	item = findradius(self.origin, 1500);

		if ( (item.flags & FL_ITEM) && visible(item) && item.model != string_null && time > item.search_time)

      We want to add a condition to that last long line. We want to add "&& item.owner != self", so change that line to this:

		if ( (item.flags & FL_ITEM) && visible(item) && item.model != string_null && time > item.search_time && item.owner != self)

      The bots will no longer try to get an item that they own, in this case, the exploding pack. Very good.
      Now we need to choose a time when the bot decides to throw an explopack. It could be in several routines, and it could be often or seldom. For now, let's just decide on bot_walk(). Paste this code at the bottom of that routine (right before the bracket):

	if (random() <= 0.02)
		if (random() < 0.5)

      So he will randomly decide when to throw one. This is a pretty good frequency. Maybe you think it's too much or too little. Please feel free to change it, move it, or edit it. It's up to you.
      One thing remaining. We want to give the explopack's owner a frag when someone gets gibbed by it. So save that file and open CLIENT.QC. Slide down to ClientObituary() where you will see the following:

void(entity targ, entity attacker) ClientObituary =
	local	float rnum;
	local	string deathstring, deathstring2;
	rnum = random();

	if (targ.classname == "player" || targ.classname == "bot")

      The "targ" here is a client that just got killed. After the bracket, paste this stuff:

		if (attacker.classname == "explopack")
			bprint (targ.netname);
			bprint (" enjoyed ");
			bprint (attacker.owner.netname);
			bprint ("'s exploding backpack\n");
			attacker.owner.frags = attacker.owner.frags + 1;

      This code does what it looks like it does: if the client killer was a backpack, it prints a funny little message, gives the owner a point, and exits the subroutine. You can change the message if you like.
      And we come to the close of another tutorial. I kinda like this one; when I was playtesting it, I became afraid to pick up any backpacks! Now that's good AI for ya   :)


What We Learned

1. Entities can do anything you want them to
2. An entity's touch routine is usually important
3. Random numbers can help a bot decide realistically
4. Simple AI normally equals fun AI

     Author: Coffee
     AI chat on ICQ: 2716002