AI Tutorial
Homework Assignment No. 1


      You're either gonna love me for this or hate me for this. I hope it's the first one, but I'm just not sure.
      It's a homework assignment.
      Yup, you heard right. I know half of you are already booing me, but give me a minute. I think this assignment is another innovative and fun way to teach you about bots.
      Here's how it works: I give you an idea for a little change to the bot. You try to write the code. I give you the tutorial in a day or two. You see if what you came up with matches what I did. You get the opportunity to discover how much you've learned.
      (a dramatic pause occurs as brain gears turn)
      Not a bad idea, eh? I think it's kinda nifty. Of course, you can still hate me if you want.

      Anyway, for the first homework assignment, we will start with something simple. Very simple. There is more than one way to do this thing, though, so it will be interesting.
      The assignment: for the first three seconds of a game, print a message like "Now playing the WonkaBot" and for the three seconds after that, print a message like "Written by Mr. Wonka."
      That is pretty easy. It will be your custom message of the day. It's personal and a little creative. Can you do it? I think you can. Good luck. I'll post my code in a little while.


     Author: Coffee
     AI chat on ICQ: 2716002