AI Tutorial
Homework Assignment No. 2


      Oh no, not another one!
      Yes, I have another homework assignment for you. In fact, this is second in what will become a short series. I can hear hissing and booing again. At least I won't send you to detention.
      It's easy just to copy my lessons into your bot. But I do feel that it is important for you to try your hand at specific tasks. You will be a much better bot programmer after these short projects.
      The assignment: in teamplay mode, allow the player to tell his bot teammates to camp or roam.
      Whoa, cool. Are you up to it? I know your are. Besides, this is easy to accomplish. Indeed, I chose it specifically because it doesn't take much work.
      What's that, you need a clue? Oh well, okay. If you don't want any clues, you can leave now. If you do, just take a look at the bot's standing and walking AI subroutines. Plus, you may need to use an impulse command and the findradius() function.
      Good luck. May the force be with you.


     Author: Coffee
     AI chat on ICQ: 2716002