AI Tutorial
Examining Some Source Code




Yes, this was one of the first. Yes, this bot has quite a few bugs in it. But the code is good to study because is is short and simple. It could teach you the basics of bot thought.



This is the source to my chess-like game. It's a little weird, but it does feature the monster bot and morphing code. You can use what you can understand.


Zeus Bot

Ah yes, the fabled Zeus. At one time a pretty good bot. This code is significant because the author has commented it very well. Also, he uses an interesting waypoint/node navigation system.


Monster Evasion

This is one of the few monster improvement patches. Old and very simple, it will nevertheles show you how to make the creatures flee when injured. Of course, you can also do that with a mere five lines of code.


CTF Bots

One of my favorites, this features some good teamplay and scoring AI. Quite a few people are now making and releasing their own modifications of this.


Bot Player

Another early and simple bot, this code actually because the base of the Team Fortress Bot. It's always good to see how authors do things differently. There are a thousand ways to build a bot.


Author: Coffee
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