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Author: John “Metlslime” Fitzgibbons | Rating: 8.75 | Download:

This fine singleplayer effort is brought to the Q1SP faithful by none other than John Fitzgibbons, also known as metlslime, famed for creating the Quake engine Fitzquake, renown for its ability to play almost any map with remarkable stability. In this map, metlslime illustrates that he maps just as well as he codes. Antediluvian, is a unique, compelling experience that you should add to your singlplayer collection.

Oddly enough, this map reminds me of Super Mario Brothers. Set in a rusting, yet surprisingly scenic, sewer system, the map’s various bits are interconnected by wind tunnels which act like the warp pipes from the aforementioned nintendo platformer. The level design is decidedly nonlinear with a moderate amount of backtracking as you follow a standard silver key, gold key, find the exit, progression. But it doesn’t get annoying, as the novel style of the level makes it a pleasure to do so. Make sure to stop and look around at the subtle use of lighting and wonderful open, multifloor, chambers which accentuate the sewer and pipe theme.

Difficulty on normal is pleasantly challenging, but not too tough for the average player. Ammo is available in perfect amounts as you wont likely run out, but you never really have too much. At several points in the map the player will be tossed into the heart of the fray by a warp pipe, so save before you use one just in case you get overwhelmed on the other side. The maps bestiary concentrates on the lovecraftian enemies with ogres, death knights, fiends, several vores and shamblers population the level. It took me about 25 minutes to beat the map on normal, and really I would have been happy if it was twice as long.

- Marius

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One Response to Antediluvian »»


  1. Comment by Marco Feindler | 2008/02/09 at 06:04:32

    Hello webmaster perfect!

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