Nehahra super secrets, by an anonymous member of the team. 1.> NEHSTART: In the second room which contains skill settings for hard, normal and nightmare, shoot all the squares above the teleporters, make sure to stand in the center of this room. Watch for a part of the wall to lower. If you are facing the exit teleporter it will be on your right hand side. Get on top of the area where the wall came down, and let it lift you up. This is super_secret number 1 2>. NEH1M3: Go into the large redbrick building, go up the stairs and to the end of the hallway. There is a red armour and a lift. Press the button and take the lift down. Walk straight ahead to the end of this room which is fiiled with crates. In the far end of the room adjacent to the lift is a crate in the corner, above the crate is a small spotlight, shoot the spot light and watch the crate. Jump down into the gap which the crate leaves and viola super_secret number 2 3>.NEH2M3: Firstly, you climb to the top of the mountain. Next you shoot the square pad which is on top of the mountain. The one with a star pattern inside the square. Next, you jump off the mountain into the skybox. Kill off all the fiends, then find the func_illusionary in the rock walls, there is a quad and armour in there so you can use this to kill the fiends first. The func illusionary is located right near the edge of the water in the rock wall. If you are carefull you will pass through the wall into the secret passage. Thus is super_secret 3 4>. NEH2M4: After moving the blocks into place and fighting off the fiends in the following hallway you will come upon a lift which takes you back up to a hallway which will lead outside again. Directly in front of this lift on the ceiling is a light. Shoot this light, and another door will open. Shoot the button, and a door will open to a secret which is helpfull. And very special indeed. You have found super_secret 4 5>. NEHAHRA: There are both a Quad and a Mega Health located under the lifts in this map. After killing the beast Nehahra return back down to the area with the purple water. A door will have opened in the wall revealing a teleporter. Welcome to the mappers hall! Shoot the pic of neh2m4 to display a secret! super_secret 4 6>. NEHEND: After ridding the universe of Mr.Maxwell return to the start area and notice the lights/buttons on the wall which have been opened. shoot both of these to reveal super_secret 5