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Fiendfear: "the emotion felt when playing a good Q1SP map"

QUAKE 1 new map reviews sorted by: Map Name. 

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To see the best of these reviewed maps ranked in order goto the Quake 1 Single Player Hall of Fame 2 page.

01/14/05: dkt1000: 1000 Brush Quake SP pack[5maps] - 5 maps using same textures and 1000 brushes.

01/09/04: evspq1:"A Subtle Dagger" - medium sized id-medieval map.
03/09/04: ac: "Adamatine Cruelty" - Large, complex caves, medieval map.
05/30/06: ananke: Ananke 17 - small custom base map.
09/08/03: could: "And All that Could Have Been" - Medium sized custom base map.
09/05/05: ant: Antediluvian - medium/large metal/wind-tunnels map
01/17/05: araivo: Apinaraivo / Monkey Rage - Medium sized base/tech map.
06/08/04: ariadat : "Ariadat" - medium-sized green-stoned medieval map.
08/16/03: assault: "Assualt" - 5 small maps that play as one big level.
01/09/04:haunting: "Autumn Haunting" - 2 maps with rocky/stone custom textures.
03/18/04: flecksp1: "Azure Infux" - medium-ish blue palace themed map.

05/22/04: Bastion : "Bastion Of The Underworld" - large medieval/stone castle map.
05/04/03: matsp2: "Best of Vize" - Small/medium base level.
09/02/05: heresp4: beyond the black sun - medium indian temple map
03/02/03:lfsp(various): "Brainstorm architecture" - First 7 maps of a still-in-progress large episode.
11/03/07:hrim_sp3: Breakfast at Twilight - large castle/medieval map.
11/05/03: heresp2: "Bulls on Parade" - small base/metallic/castle [!] map.

07/27/04: awsp1 : "Caelestis Tumultus" - medium-sized medieval map.
08/16/03: flesh: "Carved in Flesh" - 3 medium/large sized map pack.
09/02/05: heresp3: castle of pain - small stone castle/snow map
11/01/05: cda: Castle of the Dark Ages - medium/large black medieval castle.
01/07/05: cmc: "Cheyenne Mountain Complex" - Large base/military map.
07/08/07: tcoa: the city of angels - Mediumish castle/medieval map.
08/14/03: coagulacontest2: "Coagula contest 2" - 6 Coagula maps, floating in "the void".
01/14/05: coma: Coma - medium/Large Dungeon Map.
07/16/05: lunsp1: Concentric Devastation - large custom textured base map.
12/16/05: ne_marb:Crescendo of Dreams - medium Quoth/Doom influenced map.

09/03/03: nesp09: "Dawn of Eternity" - Very big gothic map.
10/12/03: gmsp3: "Day of the Lords" - Large sized medieval castle map.
05/30/03: chain1: "Dead Cell" - Small, easy, base level.
11/19/07:dejavu10: Deja Vu - 6 small maps episode.
04/25/03: mitsu: "demo map" - small base map.
03/05/06: mael: A descent into the Maelstrom - medium sized nehahra/medieval map.
08/04/07:Q1SP Episode: Digs01-03 - 9 map episode varying themes.
01/06/08:distract: MSQ1 Distractions - small IKbase map.
01/06/08:thehand: (Dont Bite) The Hand That Feeds You - large base map.

04/20/07:tpof: E4M4 Quoth Remake - E4M4 remixed.
04/06/06: egypt: Egyptian Rhapsody - large egyptian temple map.
03/05/06: trincasp1: Escape - small medieval map.
04/06/06: event: Event Horizon - medium/large custom textured base/spaceship.

11/05/03: hhouse: "Fall cleaning" - small/medium Halloween haunted house.
11/02/02:alk 12: "Fearcraft" - Medieval wood/stone castle, 3 map episode.
01/28/04:februus: "Februus Depth" - medium sized subterranean catacomb map.
08/17/03: pdq1sp1: "the fistfucking little box" - Small idbase map.
08/09/07:5rivers: Five Rivers Land - Large 3part Doom3 hell themed map.
04/06/06: trincasp2: Forgotten Tomb - smallish medieval/graveyards map.
02/24/08:back2forwards: Forwards Compatible - medium custom base map.
05/11/08:base_debris: Fort Ratsack - medium base map.
05/24/08:fbase: Freaky Base - medium/large base map.
04/14/03: Hrim_sp1: "Frying Obstacles" - large medieval castle level.

11/19/07:fr3nrun2: The Grand Guignol - small/medium sized custom egyptian map.
02/04/03:trail69: "Gravy Trail" - Medium medieval castle map.
07/27/06: grunt: Grunt Grenadin - large custom base map.
06/15/03: guncotton: "GunCotton" - 2 small/medium maps with good custom textures.
05/04/04:zsp1: "Gun of perversion" - smallish medieval-ish map.

04/06/06: hdn: Hangover Devestation - medium medieval castle map.
03/11/03:hellbrid: "Hell Bridge" - Medium to large medieval map.
04/26/06:hellvill: Hell's Village - small custom/medieval map.
10/27/02: pbrsp1: "Hexameron: Phase One" - Largish base level.
08/17/03: hrimturt: "Hrimfaxi TurtleMaps" - 2 medium sized base maps.
08/18/03: heresp1: "Hyperevolt" - Small rocky/cave/medieval map.

01/06/08:kellmetl: I Pity Thee Not - small metal map.
05/02/03:industri: "Industri 1.00" - 2 smallish maps based on the Tenebrae Engine.
07/23/06:in_ovo: In Ovo - 2 medium classic idBase & medieval maps.
02/10/04: kabsp2:"Iron Decay" - 2 small simple base maps.

05/24/08:cjhsp1: The Katagean Redoubt - mediumish medieval map.
08/18/03: dstab1: "Khanros Storage Facilty" - small but decent base map.

05/30/08:omlabx: Laboratory X - large custom base map.
02/10/04:sm57_pulsar_se:"The lair of DOOMestic Animals" - Interesting expanded speedmap.
05/11/08:Dragon: Lair of the Dragon Ogre - small metal map.
06/15/05: chapters: "the lost chapters" - 9 map pack based around a contract revoked theme.

01/14/05: kinn_marcher: "The Marcher Fortress" - Huge Insomnia Style epic map.
11/01/05: masque: the Masque of the Red Death - large medieval castle/keep.
07/17/04: menk:"Menkalinan" - Large egyptian temple map.
12/29/03: mescalito: "Mescalito" - medium custom base map.

04/25/03:alana: "n3demo2 (demo map 2)" - small base level with underwater section.
10/05/03: nastrond: "Nastrond" - Medium/large sized medieval map.
11/01/05: night: Nightjourney v2 - 6 map custom episode featuring temple and then base themes.

03/01/04: oblivion: "Oblivion" - islands floating in a black void.
07/24/06: dm3rmx: The Occupied Base - medium idbase map.
04/06/05: odyssey1: "Odyssey One" - Medium sized medieval/castle map.
07/17/04:fc1:"Ontranto" - 5 maps, medieval episode.
07/23/06: orlmaps: Orlmap - 7 map episode with wide variety of themes.
03/22/07:Orlmap Series 2: The first half - 3 swampy medium size maps episode.

04/20/07:phantom: Phantom Polly - Large base/canyon/sewers map.
08/09/07:apdm3: Pretend Best Friend - Small converted DM map.
01/14/05: monfree: Project: MonsterFree - Smallish Experimental Map with no monsters.

02/13/04: rpgsmse: "Quake Condensed" - [5 maps] all 4 id themes plus a boss map.
12/27/02:q1tm2: "Quake TurtleMap 2 " - 4 smallish to medium sized levels of varying designs and themes.
03/22/07:qshift: Quakeshift - medium size village/sewers map.

01/28/04: nesp16:"R_Speeds be damned" - smallish abstract, experimental map.
12/16/05: ne_deadcity: Rats in the Walls - small Quoth map.
12/16/05: >red777: red 777 - mediumish contract/Quoth map.
09/02/05: tris: The Rest is Silence. medium/large lost chapters map
12/19/04: fmb100 : "A Roaming Wildebeest In Spain" - medium-sized temple/terrain map.
07/24/05: sm82: Rubicondom - large, custom textures, base map.
05/30/08:dis_sp6: Ruined Nation - large doom 3 themed map.
03/11/03: runerun: "Rune Run" - small map primarily designed for speed-running.

10/28/02 matsp1: "Satarship Bunker" - Small base level.
04/26/06: sewage: Sewage Devastation - medium stone sewers/medieval map.
12/28/02:simmer2: "Simmer 2" - Medium size metallic/stone base level.
05/11/08:Slave: Slave To A Machine - large Doom 3 themed map.
08/04/07:src: slime refinery complex - Largeish Doom 3 themed map.
05/04/04: e1m1rmx: "The Slipgate Duplex" - remake of the e1m1 base map.
01/17/05: sm40contest: SM40 map pack [2 maps] - 2 atmospheric base[ish] maps
06/24/03: sop_v2: "Source of Power" - [Re-release from 1999] 3 maps with exploration-type gameplay.
10/25/03: spd: "SPD" - Smallish Custom base map.
07/16/05: sgq: Star Gate Quest - small base map
10/26/02: sm36: "Subterranean Siege" - Large speed chain map base level.

04/06/06: teacups: Teacups - small custom IKBlue map.
12/28/02:space: "Technophobia" - small base map set in space.
05/18/04: Hellchepsout : "The Temple of Hell" - medium egyptian themed map.
02/06/05: terra: "Terra Thing" - 6 oldschool/Doom influenced maps pack.
07/08/07: fmb_bdg: This Onion - Large underground/lava map.
01/06/08:sickbase2: Three Towers And A Sick Base - medium/large base map.
05/11/08:bod: Tower of Dal Gurak - large stone/Marcher type map.
11/10/07:travail: Travail - huge map pack split into 3 varying themed epsiodes.
08/23/06: tmdqe06: QExpo 2006 Turtlemaps - 4 small/medium varying themes map pack.
06/15/03: chain2: "Twisted Fate" - medium sized medieval level.

11/02/02:marine: "Ultramarine" - Medium Stone "castly thing" level =).
07/24/06:trincasp3: Underground Base - medium idbase/Armagon map.

10/23/07:768_pack: Vertical Map Pack - 4 map pack of varying themes.

10/23/07:warpspasm: Warpspasm - incredibly massive 6 map pack.
01/04/03:whisper: "Whisperer In Shadows" - Small egyptian/temple level.
11/03/07:wbase: Wicked Base - mediumish custom base map.

02/24/08:zertm_pack: Zerstörer Turtle Map Pack - 4 maps based on the Zerstorer theme.

Notes & Comments Click on date link to read the review. Some dates feature more than one review, so scroll down if the chosen review isn't at the top. All NEW QUAKE 1 reviewed levels are listed here. For Quake 1 "Classic Maps" (previously released maps) goto the "Hall of Fame" or the "Q1SP Recommended Maps" page.