Bug Report - July 08th, 2001
Half-Life Issues

* Denotes new items since last report.

  • Lamer infection.. *

  • Speed Cheat of Sorts *

  • Brightness command *

  • Prematch *

  • Prematch bug still effects any map that has a timed start, such as badlands, avanti, darkness, flagrun, etc. I've got flagrun scheduled for PFL pending removal of this bug, meaning that as long as the bug exists (along with the other noted bugs with the map), the map won't be played, though I'd like it to be played, as it's the best map Valve has released in quite some time (since CZ2 possibly). - PainKilleR

  • HeavyWeapons Guy Respawn Bug *

  • On maps where you respawn while still alive (avanti, epicenter, dustbowl, warpath, ect) it is possible to gain a speed bost when respawning.

  • Saving Crash *

  • Just a note, was going through the console commands last nite, found that typing autosave in the console in TFC gives an unhandled exception error and crashes back to windows. More than likely autosave should be disabled for TFC, and most will never use the command, but it really shouldn't do anything, let alone crash the game ;) - PainKilleR

  • Sniper HeadShot Script *

  • Hev Suit Graphics.. *

  • it's a little thing, but valve still hasn't fixed the hev suit graphic... an engy with full armor (50) only shows the hev graph as halfway full, etc.

  • Scoreboards Bug

  • The scoreboards still flip teams and scores around at random. Attempts have been made to correct the issue, however it still prevailes.

  • NailGrenade/Thin Walls Bug

  • A nailgrenade will do damage through a wall in any map that is too thin.

  • Entities Cheat

  • A certain command gives a little advantage..

  • Third Person / Wall Bug

  • Sniper (Client Side Only) Bug

  • Not sure what you have decided to do about this one:
    "The bug where a sniper can run with a fully-charged rifle shot is still there. I can duplicate this on all the maps I've tried - Select sniper, stand still. Select sniper rifle, and hit forward/run and (hold) fire simultaneously. The only time this doesn't work is usually when I don't hit run and fire with the right timing. The shot will still charge and can be fired as per usual.

    Sniper will return to normal walking mode if he stops moving horizontally (ie. Stands still, Climbs/Descends ladder, hits wall, etc)"

    Valve: "We'll check into fixing this, but it's not really that big of a deal, as this is all client side. The sniper will not be able to actually shoot and hurt anyone this way."
  • Avanti Bug

  • When a server enables tfc_clanbattle_prematch option on Avanti the gates never open.

    I thought this one was fixed, however it is still on my list. Did I miss something?

  • Floating Sentry Bug

  • By building a dispenser, building the sentry on top of the dispenser, then detonating the dispenser; you end up with a sentry gun top higher than the base. -- It doesn't have any terrible effects. There is a small window that can be 'missed' through, however, you have to try to miss while shooting at it. Nail grenades still can hit it. Call it an easter egg?

  • Bunnyhopping

  • Chat Bug

  • Not top priority.. All the same:
    If the game is paused: for instance you are in prematch and both sides agree to wait until all their players have joined, the timer that checks if you are spamming the chat channel does not count time, making it think that you are sending multiple messages all at the same time. Hence once you have sent (whatever max halflife has imposed) messages, it informs you "you cannot speak for x seconds because of spamming" and every time you try to speak after that the time increases.
  • Undead Bug

  • Your health is reduced to exactly 0 through whatever means (weapons, falling, etc), and one part of the death code executes (causing your view to go sideways, I believe it shows the death message as well), but the rest does not (you don't actually die, you appear to run around as normal to everyone else). It's obviously very hard to test, but it does still happen.

    This happens to me quite a bit for some reason, all you have to do is get more health and your view corrects (as a medic I usually only see the sideways view for a second or so). If an enemy (or teammate with friendly fire on) hits you with anything you'll die as normal. You also appear normally to other players in the game. - PainKilleR

  • Grenade Bug

  • First the reader comments:
    It seems sometimes if I throw a conc, and prime another one(double conc), the second one neither appears nor beeps, but is still there, and does take away a conc from your stock. I can reproduce it easily, so easily in fact, without trying, I did it three times in a row once. Many medics will acknoledge this very annoying bug.
    This from PainKilleR: "I can get 100% repeatability on this. Simply do it with the last of your concs (just like the previous bug with picking up flags and/or passing through doors witha primed conc). Tried it both by priming the conc, picking up the flag, then throwing the flag as well as by picking up the flag, priming the conc, and then throwing the flag. Only happens on the final conc, though. Works with the final gren1 as well. Tested it as scout and medic, should be the same with all classes."

  • Infection Bug

  • "If you are infected by an enemy medic and Friendly fire is on if you touch members of the other team (Same team as the medic that infected you) it infects them and then kills them counting as a teamkill for the medic."