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Ask Not what TFC can do for you....

Okay, this sums up the compiled lists of thingies that need work on TFC, from the makers. Now, here's stuff *I* could use from YOU, the concerned readership - cause I'm a non-artistic mofo....

Graphics!!!  Yes, I'm sorry this page looks so boring, I never claimed to be an HTML guru. I'm hoping to get some more images to put on the pages, to make them look......cooler, and stuff. I was thinking, for the index page, something like a bug, with large amounts of TFC ordinance heading it's way, or perhaps one of an Engineer bashing a bug with his spanner. For this, the help page, I'd like to see a medic healing a teammate, with the red cross still visible above his head. I'd like a medkit, like you'd see in the resupply room, to use as the "go back to Reform HQ" clicklink thingy. I have NO ideas what you use on the "why are you doing this" page, nor for the itemized list page - perhaps the Engy whacking the bug with a spanner would be better for that page. Or perhaps these ideas suck, and someone will come up with something  better. Any ideas/graphics will be fully credited to the person who did it. If you're feeling creative, whip something up and send it my way - odds are, it'll find a home here, trust me - *I* am not going to develop any mad art skillz any time soon. :P

Anyhow, comments, complaints and the usual flames, go here. Let's get working on this, and show Valve that in 2000, their fan base is concerned AND mature. Thank you,

Totentanz & The Warthog


I'd like to send a shoutout to the following people for their assistance in helping me put this beastie together, and make it look less like a 3 year old's colouring book....

Fod - he made the logo image on the main page, and gave me the first relief from a text-only webpage

[P]Infidel - a former clanmember and HTML guru, he got me the cute little medkits for the "return home" links, and some other graphics I haven't had the chance to utilize yet. You go, you crazy Canadian you!

The Warthog - PF covert ops and Administration meister - thanks for keeping tabs on what's going on here, and offering to help out with this webpage monstrosity. I got another job for you soon, on the main Fort Bundy page. *grin*

and of course, all of you maniacs that actually read this page, and send in the bug reports, suggestions and general insanity. YOU are the people that make this herculean task worthwhile...

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