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Screenshot of fc1
Author:Robert "Fat Controller" Cruickshank
Title:Ontranto (9f05e17180c2d23cb1326aa7b610eed3)
Filesize:7270 Kilobytes
Release date:22.06.2004
Additional Links: Underworldfan's
Type:Partial conversion
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
fc1.txt6 KB15.05.2004
PAK0.PAK17698 KB22.06.2004
gfx/env/night1rt.pcx8 KB21.06.2003
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Five map episode set in a medieval fantasy world, with many custom textures, a few new monsters and some other QC: starting in a dark swamp, the player has to travel through caverns and temples to a ship bringing him to the town of Ontranto, where he is to battle the Duke.

Tags: medieval, episode, monsters, fantasy, textures, town, caverns, temple, ship, village

Editor's Rating: Excellent
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3.8/5 with 23 ratings
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