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Screenshot of retrojam6_negke
Title:Egyptgington (24d47e83ece7daef9ab4db528c93a815)
Filesize:3480 Kilobytes
Release date:27.08.2017
Additional Links: Func_Msgboard
Type:Single BSP File(s)
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
progs.dat407 KB27.08.2017
retrojam6_negke.bsp5654 KB27.08.2017
retrojam6_negke.ent161 KB27.08.2017
retrojam6_negke.lit2804 KB27.08.2017
retrojam6_negke.map3402 KB27.08.2017
retrojam6_negke.txt4 KB27.08.2017


Medium-sized Egyptian pyramid level, originally started for the Retro Map Jam 6 community event. The map source is included.

Note: This map requires either a source port with increased limits, or needs to be run as a mod using the included progs.dat file.

Tags: medium, egypt, pyramid, tomb, limits, source, ancient, puzzle, labyrinth, maze, obscure, dungeon, traps, secrets, complex, dark, atmospheric, moody, ruins, sand, desert, architecture, geometry

Editor's Rating: Excellent
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4.2/5 with 45 ratings
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