Celebrating 12 years of Quake!

Digital Paint: Paintball 2 Tournament

Global Gamers is hosting a Digital Paint: Paintball2 4v4 tournament throughout Quake Expo! Register your team now! Be sure to read the rules and be familiar with them before the tournament begins. Teams need to be registered no later than Wednesday, September 3rd!

Anyone on Global Gamers is encouraged to join #QuakeExpo for updates and discussion on our Quake Expo events.

Servers will be provided by the kind folks at Scintle.



Prizes for the tournament winners are (per player):

  • First place: $25 ThinkGeek gift certificate
  • Second and Third place: $10 ThinkGeek gift certificate

A swag box can be substituded for the ThinkGeek gift certificates if a winner chooses, since European winners would have to pay a lot to ship from ThinkGeek.