Celebrating 12 years of Quake!
There are many new features in this mod, including (many are server specific):
*_MANY_ bug fixes
-upon compile, 8 warning total instead of the 65-ish it came with :)
-some more listed at quake info pool, some i found
*fixed to fit mod
-no falling damage, etc
-more "bounce" if you're shot at the feet
-adjusted no damage height (you could take damage if you jumped..)
-more starting health/armor (customizable in localinfo) and ammo
-localinfo startarmor/startammo/starthealth
-items converted to rocket ammo (if you play any dm maps)
-no shooting upon _immediate_ respawn (rocket could go ANYWHERE)
-can rocketjump off walls without killing yourself! instead of damage
scaled by height, it uses the DM method of damage (approx 40-50 damage)
-backpack times/values adjusted, you cant pick up a backpack with > 100 rockets
(if you could, you would lose ammo :O)
*QC optimized for speed
-more efficient playerprethink/playerpostthink
-smooth gameplay
-more efficient impulse command checking
*no damage bug fix
-if you shot a player directly in the feet while
they were in the air, they wouldn't take damage
*auto config loading
-midair.cfg (in either id1,qw,fortress directories)
-for easy cfg loading if you use different binds for different mods
*Map cycle
-map configs in qwmcycle/MAP.cfg (same as TF for ease of use)
*Client Reporting
-states what client a player is using (player [ezquake 1754] joined!)
-supports fuhquake, ezquake, mqwcl, zquake, amfquake, quakeforge
-if none of those clients, reports unknown client
-unknown clients are usually fine, but it could mean they are *more likely* to be
cheating, but cheating is possible with any client. The mod will kick most aa clients
*Hall Of Fame
-top 5 for each category
-records highest midairs on server
-records highest round scores on server
-won't reset unless server crashes
*TF map support
-supports 1v1 TF maps for added fun
-inbuilt bot to the mod
-3 skills, regular, insane, revenge
-can be set to have a headstart (or negative frags)
-recognizes teamplay!! won't shoot its teammates if its in a 2v2, etc
*Rocket Speeds
-built for MTF rocket speeds
-support for regular TF rocket speeds
-use localinfo rocket_speed X (1 = mtf, 2 = tf, 0 or n/a = mtf)
*Loads Of Stats
-gold midairs
-platinum midairs
-consecutive kills
-total damage dealt to opponent
-combined 'score' to show how you preformed in the round
*End of map
-reports all stats for all players (does not report ghost players)
*Cheat Checking
-auto kicks known aa clients
-auto kicks known cheat pmodels
-if someone tries to use a known aa command, they will be kicked
*map voting
-now you don't need an admin to change the map
-cmd votemap MAP
*check maps on server
-cmd maplist
*script file loading
-qwprogs can load a .ini file
-same directory as qwprogs.dat
-supports comment lines
-set everything from rocket speed to health to armor (example on my site)
-if you are admin, use cmd load_file XX (ex: file.txt)
*script file customization
-can have spaces between name = value;, or name=value;, or name = value;
*tournamant mode
-prematch ends when all players tpye ready
-ready, notready commands
-no axe
-8 minutes
-set via serverinfo tournament 1
*enhanced spawning
-spawns more random
-extra spawns on tf 1v1 maps to be more even
*admin system
-localinfo admin_pwd for admin password
-cmd become_admin PASSWORD
-can activate midair bot
-can change maps, kick people, etc
*MOTD support
-set localinfo motd1 through motd8 (if needed) (motd1 = one line, etc)
-set time delay using localinfo msg_delay
*help system
-players can type cmd help for available commands
-explains purpose of mod
*timeleft reporting
-will display last 15/5/2/1 minutes ,30/10/5/4/3/2/1 seconds of map
-audio countdown of last 5 seconds of round
-"timeleft" command for manual checking of timeleft
*types of midairs
-midairs are divided into types based on height
-regular, gold, platinum
-higher the midair, the more it helps your score
*private messages
-cmd pm will show you id's to use
-cmd pm USERID "message"
-bombs fall from the sky, shoot them to earn points
-can be disabled for a regualar midair match with localinfo rocket_range 0
*Mapping for Rocketrange
-use func_midair_launcher
-set angles (use key mangle)
-set key wait (wait between bomb drop multiplier, smaller = faster)
-set key speed (bomb speed multiplier, larger = faster)
*admin 'stuff system'
-admins can give/take away weapons,ammo,powerups,health,armors
-for fun, don't use in serious matches :p
-cmd stuff_1 USERID TYPE VALUE (cmd stuff_1 1 item rockets 500, etc)
*idle kicking
-kicks idlers after 45 seconds (with warnings, centerprints)
-press 5 (impulse 5) upon entering game to join