Celebrating 12 years of Quake!

04 SEP 2008
I won't be able to complete the Travail prequel level dis_sp2:
Grendel's Keep by the end of QExpo, but can supply you with
some screenshots to wet your appetite. Look here and
expect to be battling your way through it before years end.

19 AUG 2008
Some Quake related music:
Cristo Zatten Gaylord dedicated to CZG
smabl8r n0h8r dedicated to Shambler
The second is quite a departure from my previous musical musings.

17 AUG 2008
Welcome to distrans' QExpo2008 booth.
There is some hope that I will release dis_sp2: Grendel's Keep,
a prequel to Travail, sometime during QExpo2008. I will put a
few screenshots up in the next few days. I'll also be uploading
two tracks from my "Of Webs and Friends" album; the tracks
Cristo Zatten Gaylord and smabl8r n0h8r are inspired by two
Quake personalities so popping them up here seemed like a good
idea. In the meantime:

When the SpaceHulk256 Competition was cancelled a few people
who liked the concept took the challenge underground. I got wind
of this and continued to encourage David McKenna to finish the
first prize. In the end only one map was completed, but it more than
adequately fulfilled the expectations of the competition. The level
is Data Download by ijed

Soooooo, Louis your prize s ready:

Contact me via the normal channels with your mailing address,
David will forward the maquette to you :)