¤ A L I A S E S ¤

A selection of useful aliases to be used in your script. Please note that "x" is the default key all these aliases are bound to, and thus these aliases should be tailored to suit your setup. The key "z" is also used in aliases utilising two keys.

[ Index ]

¤ - Front Rocket Jump
¤ - Pipe Jump
¤ - Pipe/GL Alternater
¤ - Zoom
¤ - Toggle Noaim
¤ - Screen Shot
¤ - Lag Modifier
¤ - Back Rocket Jump
¤ - Detpack System
¤ - Scanner System
¤ - Wide Angle View
¤ - Slow Down
¤ - Topcolor Changer
¤ - Easy Grenades

[ Forward Rocket Jump ]

Class(es): Soldier

Description: The most widely used alias. At the poke of a button, you (as a soldier) can effortless perform a standard rocket jump. The advantage of this particular alias is that it is not as affected by lag as others.

bind x "+rj"
alias +rj "cl_pitchspeed 100000;impulse 7;+lookdown;wait;-lookdown;cl_pitchspeed 150;+jump;+attack;"
alias -rj "-attack;-jump;force_centerview"

[ Backward Rocket Jump ]

Class(es): Soldier

Description: Similar to the conventional Rocket Jump except it is a backwards one. This Jump is optimized to attain distance so is useful in getting out of sticky situations. You must be walking backwards before executing this alias.

alias fastlookdown "cl_pitchspeed 999999;+lookdown;wait"
alias unfastlookdown "-lookdown;cl_pitchspeed 150"
alias rj1 "+attack;+jump;wait;-jump;-attack"
alias rj2 "+back;fastlookdown;rj1;unfastlookdown;-back"
bind x "rj2"

[ Pipe Jump ]

Class(es): Demoman

Description: An useful little alias to help with detpipe jumps. Simply set a pipe, run over it, and execute this alias to get some major air time.

alias pj "+jump; wait; detpipe; -jump"
bind x "pj"

[ Detpack System ]

Class(es): Demoman

Description: This alias makes using detpacks easy and flexible. Simple press "x" to toggle the type of detpack you want(5, 20 and 255 seconds), then hit "z" to set the detpack.

alias det1 "bind x det2;bind z +det5;echo Det Pack Time 5 Seconds"
alias det2 "bind x det3;bind z +det20;echo Det Pack Time 20 Seconds"
alias det3 "bind x det1;bind z d255;echo Det Pack Time 255 Seconds"
alias d255 "impulse 168;wait;impulse 255"
bind x "det1"

[ Pipe/GL Alternater ]

Class(es): Demoman

Description: Another useful demoman alias. This alias simply makes one button toggle between firing pipes and normal grenades.

alias pipes1 "impulse 7; bind x normal1"
alias normal1 "impulse 6; bind x pipes1"
bind x "pipes1"

[ Scanner System ]

Class(es): Scout

Description: An alias system that makes using the Scout's scan ability easier. Pressing "x" toggles the power of the scan (10, 30, 100) and pressing "z" does the scan.

alias tf_s1 "bind x tf_s2;bind z scan10;echo Scan Range 10"
alias tf_s2 "bind x tf_s3;bind z scan30;echo Scan Range 30"
alias tf_s3 "bind x tf_s1;bind z scan100;echo Scan Range 100"
bind x "tf_s1"

[ Zoom ]

Class(es): All

Description: Another extremely popular alias. Pressing "x" zooms in, press again to zoom out. While zoomed in the sensitivity is decreased for easier aim (specifically for sniping), zooming out your normal sensitivity should be restored. Substitute "1.5" for your prefered zoomed in sensitivity and "18" for your regular sensitivity.

alias sz_on "fov 25; sensitivity 1.5; bind x sz_off"
alias sz_off "fov 90; sensitivity 18; bind x sz_on"
bind x "sz_on"

[ Wide Angle View ]

Class(es): All

Description: A useful alias for defending. Holding "x" will make your view the wider "fish-eye" view.

alias +wa "fov 140"
alias -wa "fov 90"
bind x "+wa"

[ Toggle Noaim ]

Class(es): All

Description: A simple alias to toggle between "noaim 0" and "noaim 1". Having noaim on means the computer aims for you on the vertical axis. This means while sniping you could shoot above the enemy's head, and the noaim feature will make your shot hit. Note that noaim works on your team mates as well :) Generally noaim 0 should only be used for snipers and HWguys.

alias noaim1 "noaim 1; echo noaim_off; bind x noaim0"
alias noaim0 "noaim 0; echo noaim_on; bind x noaim1"
bind x "noaim1"

[ Slow Down ]

Class(es): Spy

Description: A funky alias for spies. Pressing "x" makes you walk/run slower, making your disguise as a soldier or HWguy more convincing.

alias tf_sl1 "bind x tf_sl0;cl_forwardspeed 200;cl_backspeed 200;cl_sidespeed 200;echo Slowdown On"
alias tf_sl0 "bind x tf_sl1;cl_forwardspeed 500;cl_backspeed 500;cl_sidespeed 500;echo Slowdown Off"
bind x "tf_sl1"

[ Screen Shot ]

Class(es): All

Description: Very useful alias to take screen shots with. Pressing "x" takes a screenshot but improves it by taking away your crosshair, your weapon and other stuff from your view.

bind x "ss"
alias ss1 "echo;echo;echo;echo;wait;screenshot;wait" alias ss "viewsize 120;crosshair 0;r_drawviewmodel 0;ss1;r_drawviewmodel 1;crosshair 1;viewsize 100;echo Screen Shot"

[ Topcolor Changer ]

Class(es): All

Description: Alias to assist changing your topcolour. Press "x" toggles between several of the more pleasing topcolours.

bind x "topcolor_0"
alias topcolor_0 "topcolor 0;echo White;bind x topcolor_3"
alias topcolor_3 "topcolor 3;echo Green;bind x topcolor_4"
alias topcolor_4 "topcolor 4;echo Red;bind x topcolor_12"
alias topcolor_12 "topcolor 12;echo Yellow;bind x topcolor_13"
alias topcolor_13 "topcolor 13;echo Blue;bind x topcolor_0"

[ Lag Modifier ]

Class(es): All

Description: Useful alias to help those on modems, like myself :(. When your play gets too choppy, this alias can help find the best compromise between lag and the choppiness of your frames. Pressing "z" will lower your rate and pushlatency in increments. The more "z" is pressed, the laggier your view, but the smoother your view is.

bind z "lagdown90"
alias lagdown90 "rate 2250; pushlatency -225; bind z lagdown80; echo lag down at 90%"
alias lagdown80 "rate 2000; pushlatency -200; bind z lagdown70; echo lag down to 80%"
alias lagdown70 "rate 1750; pushlatency -175; bind z lagdown60; echo lag down to 70%"
alias lagdown60 "rate 1500; pushlatency -150; bind z lagdown50; echo lag down to 60%"
alias lagdown50 "rate 1250; pushlatency -125; bind z lagdown40; echo lag down to 50%"
alias lagdown40 "rate 1000; pushlatency -100; bind z lagdown30; echo lag down to 40%"
alias lagdown30 "rate 750; pushlatency -75; bind z lagdown20; echo lag down to 30%"
alias lagdown20 "rate 500; pushlatency -50; bind z lagdown10; echo lag down to 20%"
alias lagdown10 "rate 250; pushlatency -25; bind z lagdown0; echo lag down to 10%"
alias lagdown0 "rate 10; pushlatency 0; bind z lagdown100; echo lag down to 0%"
alias lagdown100 "rate 2500; pushlatency -250; bind z lagdown90; echo lag down to 100%"

[ Easy Grenades ]

Class(es): All

Description: My personal config for grenades. Press "x" or "z" to prime your grenade, the timer will then start helping your to judge when to throw your grenade. Pressing "x" or "z" again throws your pre-primed grenade. Download the gren.wav here and place it into your quake/fortress/sound/ directory.

alias primeone1 "primeone; play Gren.wav; bind x throwgren1"
alias throwgren1 "throwgren; bind x primeone1"
bind x "primeone1"

alias primeone2 "primetwo; play Gren.wav; bind z throwgren2"
alias throwgren2 "throwgren; bind z primeone2"
bind z "primeone2"

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