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Screenshot of ad_dwoffice
Author:Doug Wheeler aka Bullseye8841
Title:Office Offense (306b02eaf585e8bca37520cb7eabb999)
Filesize:14018 Kilobytes
Release date:19.03.2018
Additional Links: Func_Msgboard
Type:Single BSP File(s)
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
ad_dwoffice.bsp8189 KB19.03.2018
ad_dwoffice.txt5 KB19.03.2018
sound/fire.wav1089 KB23.02.2018
sound/sprinkler.wav11161 KB23.02.2018
sound/truck.wav545 KB17.03.2018

Office Offense

Medium-sized realism map using Kingpin textures and set in a prestigeous office building, complete with a cantina, a parking garage, and maintenance areas. Comes with three custom sounds.

Note: This map requires Arcane Dimensions and a source port with increased limits (Quakespasm-Spike fork recommended).

Tags: medium, realism, ad, kingpin, cars, secrets, limits, arcanedimensions

Editor's Rating: Nice
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3.5/5 with 30 ratings
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