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Screenshot of dwroae_m3b
Title:Root of all Evil: Infernal Science (Part 2) (93e652c57856f9d8273fd0cff3c8861f)
Filesize:3777 Kilobytes
Release date:10.03.2016
Additional Links: Func_Msgboard
Type:Single BSP File(s)
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
dwroae_m3b.bsp7067 KB10.03.2016
dwroae_m3b.lit2947 KB10.03.2016
dwroae_m3b.txt2 KB10.03.2016

Root of all Evil: Infernal Science (Part 2)

Second part of Root of all Evil. A large underground research facility.

Note: This map requires an engine port with increased limits.

Tags: large, base, ikbase, traps, secrets, limits, super secret

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