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Screenshot of lighthse1
Author:Erik Robson
Title:Lighthouse Assult (3cd37368e3c700a4527be6a1cf44cc37)
Filesize:2608 Kilobytes
Release date:01.10.1997
Additional Links:
Type:Partial conversion
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
PAK0.PAK6371 KB01.10.1997
hjt.txt1 KB23.09.1997
lighthse1.hjt3 KB30.09.1997
lighthse1.txt3 KB30.09.1997

Lighthouse Assult

Single player mission consisting of three small to medium, farily plain Wizard maps with a few modified/reskinned monsters and some custents bits. The goal is to infilitrate and secure a medieval lighthouse compound. OK.

Tags: wizard, plain, mod, medium, monsters

Editor's Rating: Nice
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2.6/5 with 12 ratings
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