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Screenshot of schist
Author:Noel Weer
Title:Schist (1b54a30ab8ca3737403f58a11a4c8179)
Filesize:5194 Kilobytes
Release date:10.11.1997
Additional Links: TEAMShambler
Type:Partial conversion
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
start.txt3 KB09.11.1997
readme.txt6 KB10.11.1997
schist3.txt3 KB10.11.1997
Pak0.PAK13251 KB10.11.1997
schist1.txt3 KB09.11.1997
schist4.txt3 KB09.11.1997
end.txt3 KB09.11.1997
schist2.txt3 KB09.11.1997
lantern.txt2 KB09.11.1997
schistdm.txt2 KB09.11.1997


Episode consisting of 5 medium sized levels, a start and a secret map, some new textures and sounds, and custents stuff
The first few maps are bases in snowy canyons, the last few otherworldly castles.

Tags: episode, ice

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