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Author:dantescanline, Danzadan, dumptruck_ds, ing-ing, JCR, Naitelveni, Newhouse, prengle
Title:Speedmapping pack 187 - 4 hours (3b6053e5eb5aff2bbbbaefadaa601f09)
Filesize:3385 Kilobytes
Release date:13.09.2018
Additional Links:
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
maps/sm187_dante.bsp823 KB12.09.2018
maps/sm187_dante.lit304 KB12.09.2018
maps/sm187_danzadan.bsp1521 KB12.09.2018
maps/sm187_dumptruck.bsp376 KB09.09.2018
maps/sm187_dumptruck_readme.txt1 KB09.09.2018
maps/sm187_ing.bsp696 KB11.09.2018
maps/sm187_ing_readme.txt2 KB12.09.2018
maps/sm187_jcr.bsp751 KB12.09.2018
maps/sm187_jcr.txt2 KB11.09.2018
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maps/sm187_naitelveni.lit301 KB11.09.2018
maps/sm187_newhouse.bsp555 KB12.09.2018
maps/sm187_newhouse2.bsp701 KB12.09.2018
maps/sm187_prengle.bsp686 KB12.09.2018
maps/sm187_prengle.lit149 KB12.09.2018
maps/sm187_prengle_readme.txt2 KB12.09.2018
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source/sm187_jcr.map266 KB12.09.2018
source/sm187_newhouse.map181 KB12.09.2018
source/sm187_newhouse2.map152 KB12.09.2018
source/sm187_prengle.map269 KB12.09.2018

Speedmapping pack 187 - 4 hours

Maps made in 4 hours or less / 9 SP maps / dantescanline, Danzadan, dumptruck_ds, ing-ing, JCR, Naitelveni, Newhouse, prengle
Some map sources are included and some of the maps may require a source port with increased limits.
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4.1/5 with 16 ratings
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