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Screenshot of tmc
Author:Sascha Otterbein (mne[MON]ik)
Title:The Monolith Complex (2781aa146970491f06ded82f7aae41d0)
Filesize:1180 Kilobytes
Release date:18.09.1997
Additional Links: TEAMShamblerUnderworldfan's
Type:Single BSP File(s)
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
tmc.txt7 KB15.08.1998
tmc.bsp2812 KB18.09.1997

The Monolith Complex

Large base map with a unique theme. Somewhat lacking in detail, and gameplay that may be confusing to some because it relies on exploration for the most part, but still kind of an interesting map. Nice feature: Reinforcements teleport in if the mission is not completed in within 15 minutes.

Tags: base, nonlinear, exploration, unfinished

Editor's Rating: Nice
User Rating:
3.3/5 with 8 ratings
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