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Screenshot of tcj_alexunder
Author:alexUnder Ros
Title:Thirteen Tombs of the Brilliant Dynasty v1.04 (cd1697a902b4f227b4f1b777a2ed79be)
Filesize:34033 Kilobytes
Release date:09.01.2023
Additional Links: Slipseer page
Type:Partial conversion
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
tcj_alexunder/gfx/env/mak_aurora5_bk.tga3073 KB22.10.2022
tcj_alexunder/gfx/env/mak_aurora5_dn.tga3073 KB22.10.2022
tcj_alexunder/gfx/env/mak_aurora5_ft.tga3073 KB22.10.2022
tcj_alexunder/gfx/env/mak_aurora5_lf.tga3073 KB22.10.2022
tcj_alexunder/gfx/env/mak_aurora5_rt.tga3073 KB22.10.2022
tcj_alexunder/gfx/env/mak_aurora5_up.tga3073 KB22.10.2022
tcj_alexunder/maps/tcj_alexunder.bsp52200 KB08.01.2023
tcj_alexunder/maps/tcj_alexunder.lit6787 KB08.01.2023
tcj_alexunder/music/track66.ogg4304 KB03.01.2023
tcj_alexunder/source/tcj_alexunder.map16804 KB08.01.2023
tcj_alexunder/tcj_alexunder.txt2 KB06.01.2023

Thirteen Tombs of the Brilliant Dynasty v1.04

This map won't work in Quake Injector. It must be manually installed (move subfolders into /ad/ mod folder)

Large medieval dark fantasy castle in frozen lands with haunted crypt. A late entry for Twisted Christmas Jam 2022. Built for Arcane Dimensions v1.81+ (NOT included).

"Tangibly harder than vanilla, but searching for secrets would make things drastically easier. It's recommended to play it first on Normal. Hard is intended for more challenging replay, when you know encounters setup and preferably already learned where the secrets are."

Map source is included. Custom music by BouncyTEM. Textures and skybox by Makkon.

Note: probably requires a modern engine / source port with increased limits.

Tags: large, medieval, castle, wizard, snow, winter, xmas, ad, source, limits, music, makkon, secrets, arcanedimensions

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