Contributors so far: 26
Do you want to vote?
Please Email me.

For full details of how to vote & an explanation of the points system: click here

various screenshots (not in order of rank)


the Final Threat



Shut up RPG!

Operation Urth Majik

gmsp1: Colony

Bestial Devestation

Numb Nimbus

Avanipaala Praasaada

Ceremonial Circles

Contract Revoked

A Desert Dusk

Penumbra of Domination

Cassandra Calamity


The Middle Evil

Soul of Evil

Tides of War

Quake 1 Single Player Hall of Fame.     [aug.1996-nov.2002] |     Last Updated: 13th March 2003.

Note: all maps & episodes can be downloaded by clicking on the desired map name. If you find any broken links or have any problems with downloading any map, Email me.
For the best of the more recent maps see my Quake 1 Single Player Hall of Fame 2

Top 50 Q1SP: Single Maps Top 50 Q1SP: Episodes
Rank Points Rank Points
1 apsp1: the Final Threat 72 1 czg07: Insomnia 124
2 mexx10: Cassandra Calamity 57 2 nehahra: Nehahra 100
3 damaul 6: Bestial Devestation 43 3 zer: Zerstorer 85
4 gmsp1: Colony 37 4 mexx9: Penumbra of Domination 58
5 moonlite: Moonlight Assault 35 5 oum: Operation Urth Majik 53
6 koohoo: Castle of koohoo 33 6 bbelief: Beyond Belief 36
7 czg04: Numb Nimbus 29 7 rapture: Rapture 32
8 shadow: Shadow over Innsmouth 19 8 review soe: Soul Of Evil 31
9 Sgodrune: Tale of Abbot's Rune 19 9 nehahra ep 4: Tides of War 18
10 review ne_sp06: Once upon Atrocity 17 10 review contract: Contract Revoked 18
11 middle: The Middle Evil 17 11 Mexx8: Prelude to Apocalypse 16
12 pbrsp1: Hexameron Phase One 17 12 pg2: Phantasmal Garrison 12
13 Precipice Continium 17 13 rde: Runners Delight Episode 11
14 ikspq5: Secret Installation 16 14 ikspq1-5: IKSPQ series 10
15 review neh3m2: Soulstice 16 15 p_se: Prodigy SE 9
16 terror: The Terracotta Terror 15 16 tdk: The Demon King 9
17 rubicon: Rubicon 15 17 coe: Coven of Ebony 8
18 damual3: Suicide Nation 15 18 mexx7: A Bishops Bane 8
19 village: Village of dread 14 19 necro: Necrobrood 7
20 SM32: shut up RPG! 14 20 jzspq2: Blue Hell 4
21 czg03: Ceremonial Circles 14 21 qblack: Black 3
22 a3: the Journey Home 13 22 aop: Abyss of Pandemonium 3
23 kjsp1: Avanipaala Praasaada 12 23 Deaths Dominion 1
24 czg02: Memento Mori 11 24
25 sm36: Subterrenean Siege 11 25
26 n3sp03: At the gates of Midian 10 26
27 iam1: My world is your world 10 27
28 add: A Desert Dusk 10 28
29 rpgsp1: Penile Devestation 10 29
30 grc4beta: Rust in Peace 9 30
31 add2: Scorpion Garrison 9 31
32 slaughtr: SlaughterHouse 9 32
33 dazsp2: Arabian Nights 8 33
34 drakopf: Drakopf 8 34
35 monastry: Monastry 8 35
36 thepit: The Pit 8 36
37 coagula: Coagula 8 37
38 solarfall: solarfall 8 38
39 aop2m1: Heresy 8 39
40 mcomplex: the Mining complex 7 40
41 castled: Castled! 7 41
42 imp1sp2: House of Spikes 7 42
43 vigil: Vigil 6 43
44 cursed: the occursed 6 44
45 bnt: Bridges & Towers 1 6 45
46 review ne_sp04: the Emptiness Without 6 46
47 coagula2: Coagula2 Flesh 6 47
48 fromhell: From hell 6 48
49 percept: Perception 6 49
50 ikspq3: Halls of the Shambler God 5 50

QUAKE 1 Hall of Fame reviews sorted by: Map Name. 

contract: Contract Revoked - 5 map medieval episode, influenced by the horror writer, HP lovecraft.
ne_sp04: The Emptiness Without - Medium sized, coagula, metallic/stone map.
ne_sp06: Once Upon Atrocity - Large scale Gothic/Doom stone map.
SOE: Soul of Evil - Huge, Epic Medieval-themed Conversion with 15 SP maps, spread over 2 episodes.
neh3m2: Soulstice - Elek's rocky outcrops/ravines map from his Nehahra "Tides of War" Episode.

Notes & Comments Click on the name link to read the review. All Hall of Fame QUAKE 1 reviewed levels are listed here. For *NEW* Quake 1 maps goto the "New Maps" page. For the best of the more recent maps see my Quake 1 Single Player Hall of Fame 2

Details & Explanation.

Quake 1 was released in June 1996, and within a few short months the first custom maps for it were being made by avid players, inspired by the brilliant gameplay and 3-D game engine. Since then, hundreds of sp maps have been made for Quake 1. A thriving community has produced many great works of their own, which in many cases equal, and in some cases surpass the standard of the original ID maps.

The best of these maps are collected here, as voted for by visitors to this site, and anyone can vote at any time and send their votes in to me, (See below). Whether its the awesome architecture of czg's landmark 3 map pack Insomnia, the brilliant AI and maps of the biggest ever Q1SP custom project, Nehahra, or the superb gameplay and design of single levels like "Cassandra Calamity" and "Bestial Devastation", all these maps live on in the memory as classic gaming experiences. Quake 1 SP *is* an Art-form in mapping and after 6 years the best maps deserve their own hall of fame, and the authors to be recognized for their hard work and brilliant imagination they put in.

Details of Rankings and Points systems, and how to vote.

How to vote:
The rankings above are based on the original old thread in QMAP and on-going E-mails i have received where people have listed their Top 10 favorite Q1SP Maps and Top 10 favorite Q1SP Episodes. The tables are an on-going exercise, that is they are continually updated to reflect new Top 10's I receive by Email.

Anyone who wants too can email me their Top 10 Q1SP Maps or Top 10 Q1SP Episodes (an episode is a map pack/unit/episode consisting of 2 or more maps). So this would be two, separate Top 10 lists.

Currently, only CUSTOM maps are included, Id maps from Quake or the two official mission packs are NOT included. You can choose to rank your Top 10's from 1-10 OR just leave them unordered (e.g. "these are my 10 favorite maps") OR you can even just send me an unordered list of ANY number of maps (e.g. "these are my 5 favorite maps"). Just make it clear if they are ranked from 1-10 or unordered, as this affects the number of points each map/episodes gets, (see below).

A "review" link (in a light blue box) by the map/episode indicates i have written a full review for that map/episode, click on the link to read the review. I intend to write more reviews of these classic maps as time passes. I will probably choose my personal favorites to review, there is no particular order or reason beyond this, as to which of these maps/episodes get reviewed. If you have a particular classic map you would like to see reviewed, email me. I may also review other older maps that are not listed in the above Hall of Fame. These will also be listed on this page, but probably in a distinct section, with a different title.

Points system explained:
If the top 10 is ranked points are awarded as follows:
1st = 10 points, 2nd = 9 points, 3rd = 8 points 4th = 7 points 5th = 6 points 6th = 5 points, 7th = 4 points, 8th = 3 points 9th = 2 points 10th = 1 point.

If the top 10 is unordered (e.g. "these are my 10 favorite maps") points are awarded as follows:
All maps = 5 points.

If any other number of maps is sent, unordered (e.g. "these are my 5 favorite maps") points are awarded as follows:
All maps = 3 points.

Then all the points for a given map are added together, this gives the total points for the map, as shown above.

Other Stats:
Total number of maps voted for so far (only top 50 shown) = 88
Total number of episodes voted for so far = 23
Total number of different contributors who have voted so far = 26
Total number of Hall of Fame maps reviewed so far = 5