This is an old revision of the document!

Privacy was and will be a basic cornerstone of our efforts.

Using Quaddicted

No registration is required to use Quaddicted. The only reason for users to register an account is to

  • Edit Wiki pages
  • Post in the forums with a persistent username
  • Rate, tag, and leave comments on map pages with a persistent username

Accounts use a combination of an e-mail address (can be a disposable one) and a username. It is not required to provide any personal information beyond that and it is highly recommended to keep anything else private. The username is publically visible; the email address can be configured to be shown or hidden in the profile options.

Third-party resources

There are no third-party resources embedded by default. Your visits and interactions to this site will not be shown to anyone but us and you (the community). However it is in the nature of community websites that third-party content might be embedded to webpages via comments or forum posts. In those cases, your browser will make a request to that third-party. You can use browser addons like Request-Policy or µMatrix to prevent these kinds of information leaks from happening.

IP Addresses

In communication between webservers and clients, IP addresses are used. IP addresses are not personally identifiable information by themselves. Correlation to other information is possible though, for example if one would look at

At Quaddicted and associated sites, IP addresses are stored in webserver logs for each request. This is standard practise and highly useful in debugging, investigating security related issues and also in gathering rather privacy-friendly statistics in an easy way (e.g. how many users the Quake Injector might have).

Apart from the server logs, IP addresses can also be stored by the "higher" software components. When registering an user account, the IP address of the user is recorded. When posting in the forums (anything under the URL /forum/), the IP address of the user is recorded.


Cookies are used to provide persistent user sessions. You can use the site just fine, if you don't care about that.


Mails are sent based on subscriptions on the forum or wiki. You can opt-out in your user profile.

Details, Exports or Deletion of your data

If you want to get more detail, a collection of the data collected or if you want to force us to delete data on you, please mail to

Before requesting such services please consider the heavy burden of work for a small, private, community-centered website like this. Please be assured, that your privacy and safety is important to us.