ezQuake Manual: Graphic settings

See also

Status Bar

r_damagestats 0,1 0

thumbnail of screenshot where taken damage is displayed

Displays the amount of damage taken recently on the screen above your armour and health.

Point of view

cl_camera_tpp 0,1,2 0

0 = 1st person view
1 = 3rd person view ala Tomb Raider (such a fun!)
2 = 3rd person view ala cl_chasecam 0 (buggy)
Disabled in -ruleset smackdown

cl_camera_death 0,1 1

Camera view above your body after death.
Disabled in -ruleset smackdown


Here you can also check Screen Settings manual page with full list of variables.

r_glstats 0,1 0

When enabled, it creates a window in the top right of the screen showing the number of particles and etc. in use.

r_tracker_frags 0,1 1

Everytime you make a kill or die, the number of kills/deaths/suicides with that weapon is displayed on the screen.

r_tracker_flags 0,1 1

Everytime you take, capture or drop a flag, the number of times is displayed on the screen.

r_tracker_streaks 0,1 1

Everytime a player makes a set number of consecutive kills, it will display a message showing they are on a streak, when the player is killed, it will display the name of the person who ended that streak.

r_tracker_messages 0,1,X 10, r_tracker_time 0-X 4


Also see FPS and EyeCandy Settings manual section for full list.


Clientside (noone else can see it) hard-striking rocket, serves well for your entertainment.


Quickly sets many variables to fit pre-defined scheme. Try using "newtrails" or "vultwah".

cl_hiderockets 0,1 0

Toggles rockets visibility. Variable cl_r2g must be 0 to cl_hiderockets 1 work.

cl_hidenails 0,1 0

Toggles nails visibility.

gl_surface_lava 0,1,2 0

thumbnail of screenshot with boiling bubbles of lava

Adds boiling bubbles over the lava.

gl_surface_slime 0,1,2 0

thumbnail of screenshot with slime fumes

Adds bubbles and fumes of slime over the slime.

gl_inferno_trail 0,1,2,3,4,5 2

Changes type of gl_inferno missile trail.

gl_inferno_speed 0-X 1000

Changes speed of gl_inferno missile trail.

r_rockettrail 0-7,8,9,10,11 1

Added new rocket trail types (8-11)

Note that if you use the rocket trails, you will have to change the explosion colours and things like that yourself. And you might want to try hiding the rockets with the new amf_hiderockets cvar for some trails are intended to be "beam" trails.

r_grenadetrail 0,1,...,11 3

Customizable grenade trails
Works the same way as r_rockettrail, but for grenades.

r_explosiontype 0-7,8,9 1

New Explosions types (8 and 9):

r_lavacolor 0-255 0-255 0-255 73

Changes colour of lava when r_fastturb set to 1

r_skycolor 0-255 0-255 0-255 172

Changes colour of sky when r_fastsky set to 1

r_slimecolor 0-255 0-255 0-255 53

Changes colour of slime when r_fastturb set to 1

r_telecolor 0-255 0-255 0-255 26

Changes colour of teleport when r_fastturb set to 1

r_watercolor 0-255 0-255 0-255 36

Changes colour of lava when r_fastturb set to 1


Also see Lighting settings manual section for full list.

gl_coronas 0,1 1

Adds coronas to some effects:

gl_coronas_tele 0,1 0

Allows you to turn on/off blue light when spawning.

gl_lighting_vertex 0,1 1

Alias models no longer have the same level of light on all sides. This may not work correctly if coloured lighting is disabled.

gl_lighting_colour 0,1 1

Alias models are effected by coloured lights around them.


There are many particle effects in this client so standard maximum number of particles is higher then somewhere else. You can still controll maximum number of particles with the -particles parameter.

Also see Particle effects manual page.

gl_particle_blood 0,1 1

gl_particle_blood_color 0,1,X 1

Changes colour of blood.

gl_particle_blood_type 1,X 1

Chooses among types of blood particles.

gl_particle_muzzleflash 0,1 1

thumbnail of screenshot where taken damage is displayed

Adds particle effect when firing a weapon.

gl_particle_fire 0,1 1

Replaces torches with a particle flame effect. Includes people being burnt by the pyro in TF.

gl_particle_deatheffect 0,1 1

gl_particle_gunshots 0-X 0

gl_particle_gunshots_type 1,2,3,4 1

gl_particle_spikes 0-X 0.1

gl_particle_spikes_type 1,2,3,4 1

gl_particle_explosions 0,1 0

Turns particle alternatives to each r_explosiontype on or off.

gl_particle_blobs 0-X 0.1

gl_particle_sparks 0,1 1

Trails appear more beam-like and don't look stupid when they bounce.

gl_particle_shockwaves 0,1 1

0 - Turns off explosion shockwaves.
1 - Turns on explosion shockwaves.

gl_particle_shockwaves_flat 0,1 0

gl_particle_gibtrails 0,1 1

gl_particle_fasttrails 0,1 0

gl_particle_trail_lenght 0-X 1

X - Multiplies the length of the trail on particle trails.

gl_particle_trail_time 0-X 1

X - Multiplies the length of time the particle bounces around for.

gl_particle_trail_detail 0-X 1

gl_particle_trail_width 0-X 3

Changes width of trail particle e.g.: wall hitted by nail, explosion particles trail, etc.

gl_particle_trail_type 0,1,X 1


Also see OpenGL rendering manual page.

gl_weather_rain 0,1,2,X 0

thumbnail of screenshot with rainy aerowalk

Turns on rain out of doors, the density of rain is equal to whatever gl_weather_rain is set to.
If you set gl_weather_rain_fast to 1, you can turn off all splashes, if you set it to 2, you will turn off only the water splashes.
Works on all non-iD maps except death32c, dakyne and some others.

gl_weather_rain_fast 0,X 0

Adjusts speed of rain.

gl_nailtrail 0,1 1

Adds a white trail onto nails as they fly around.
This feature wont work on servers not running with sv_nailhack set to 1.

gl_nailtrail_plasma 0,1 0

thumbnail of screenshot with plasma nail trails

Adds plazma trail after nails.

gl_nailtrail_turb 0,1 0

Switches between two type of bubbles nails leave behind in water.

gl_extratrails 0,1 1

Misc trails that appear on objects that frequently move, such as TF grenades, caltrops, etc.
Railguns in TF also leave behind unique trails.

gl_turb_trails 0,1 1

thumbnail of screenshot of underwater bubbles mady by nailgun

This gives rockets/grenades/nails and other things an alternate underwater trail.
Very nice to have nailgun fights underwater...

gl_detpacklights 0,1 1

A little green light appears on the detpack, and when the timer reaches 5, the light changes to red. gl_coronas must be turned on for this to work.

gl_buildingsparks 0,1 1

Buildings that are destroyed in TF will continue to throw sparks until they disapear.

gl_lightning 0,1,X 1

0 - Turns off coronas on lightning beams
1 - Turns on coronas on lightning beams.

gl_lightning_size 1-X 3

Adjusts size of ligtning particle beam.

gl_lightning_sparks 0-X0.4

thumbnail of screenshot where taken damage is displayed

Sparks fly from walls when hit by lightning gun.

gl_motiontrails 0,1 0

When enabled, flags and keys leave behind a kind of after-image.
Fiends also leave trails when they pounce.

gl_motiontrails_wtf 0,1 0

Same as gl_motiontrails but works for all players and creatures.

thumbnail of screenshot motion-trailed creature

gl_turbripple 0-X 0

Put your life vests on, waves are coming!

gl_cutf_tesla_effect 0,1 0

When a shambler is preparing to throw lightning, or a tesla coil (TF) is charging to fire, a particle effect is generated.



Not well implemented yet. Quickly looks at the pmodel and emodel listed in every player's infokey and reports anything unusual it finds. Basically it saves you having to type "users. user x" and then comparing the models for everyone.

Last update: 18.12.2005 09:45 UTC

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