Amari Aliquid

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: [Kona] | Rating: 7.30 | Download:

“The Strogg medics have built a new Makron clone already, and was activated as soon as the original Makron was destroyed. ” This is the premise from which Amari Aliquid is built. It is now your duty to destroy the clone leader before they have a chance to rebuild.

The design is of a Quake2 base style that tends to be lacking when it comes to visuals. It does provide a good solid layout and is huge in proportion but quickly becomes uninteresting. Textures are new, created by Metslime, and could easily have been incorporated into the original game.

The gameplay is also unlike most [Kona] maps. There is plenty of health and you get new weapons rather quickly. To quickly in fact. Right at the start you are empowered with the shotgun and the super shotgun making it simple to take out the Gunners that are thrown your way. This continues throughout the level and I found myself usually dying from my own mistakes rather than by a Stroggs hand.

I was disappointed by this release with its simplistic design and gameplay. It just didn’t have that [Kona] atmosphere to it. Though still a good map it just didn’t live up to its brothers.

- DorKwolf

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