
Content - Quake - Quake Mods - Quake Weapons

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Author: PVP | Rating: 1.61 | Download:

Bombs9 is a simple modification that gives you new settings for you Grenade Launcher and the Rocket Launcher.

Grenade Launcher:
The first new setting for the grenade launcher is the firewall. Press button 6 twice, fire your grenade and watch as it flies into the air, and then releases a down pour of grenades that is sure to leave your target in a pile of gibs.See screenshot.

The second setting is the proximity mine. Press button 6 another time, fire your grenade and watch this little sucker set and wait for some unexpecting fool to cross it’s path. The proximity mine is a great idea that has been used many times, the only problem with this one is how silly it looks just spinning there in the air. In single player this setting didn’t seem to do much good since to use it you would have run backwards to lure your target into the proximity mines area.

Rocket Launcher:
The first setting for your rocket launcher is the gib gun. This interesting weapon fires into your target and continues to tear into him until he his left a pile of gibs. Most of your lower class monster gib very quickly.

The second setting is the flash rocket. This setting seems pointless. You have to fire two to three times as many shots to kill your target than you do with the normal rocket mode or the gib gun. This setting must have been created just so the author can say that there were two setting for the rocket launcher. Totally useless.

- DorKwolf

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