The Azure Mines

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: James Parkman | Rating: 6.50 | Download:

You find yourself in normal surroundings at the start of this two level pack. And just like other maps you set out alone to defeat the Strogg, but wait, a new message appears telling you to destroy all of the crystals. Ah, finally a change of pace, something new and exciting, something that….just…doesn’t……add……..anything.

The Azure Mines puts you into a Quake2 base style map that only touches on the “mines” theme from time to time. It would’ve been nice to have seen more of a mining theme present. There were a few instances that worked with this idea but in the end it was found wanting.

The beginning of the first map looks very promising as far as architecture goes but as you progress further into the level you continue to find yourself face to face with less stimulating sights. Azure was also too linear. Your journey was pretty straight forward, point A to point B. Once again, nothing to write home about.

So what about gameplay, isn’t that what really matters? Yes indeed, gameplay is where it’s at but it wasn’t found here. I practically walked through blindfolded. Not once was I worried about ammo, health, or completing my mission for that matter.

I ranked Azure mines what I did because what it does good, it does good. In other words, it is a decent solid map it just doesn’t offer anything great and because of this it begins to lean toward the boring side a little to quickly. If you’re looking for a map that you can run through like Rambo to make you feel better about your Quake2 skills then by all means, download away.

- DorKwolf

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