Mel Soaring3: Tomb of the Makron God

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: [Kona] | Rating: 8.00 | Download:

The third installment to [Kona]’s Mel Soaring series comes back to Quake2 after a brief hiatus to Half Life. In Star Rancor, Mel Soaring 2, our anti-hero takes on a new alien race called Xen and we find out that he has a new love in his life. An Iron Maiden from…… Quake2?

We are now set up for the next chapter of Mel’s life, Tomb of the Makron God. Here he will go to do destroy the sacred tomb of Makron, the Strogg leader that was killed in the Quake2 storyline. Mel’s motivation is to become the most vile villian in the history of humans and the Strogg. Hey, if you want some sappy love story go watch a soap opera, this is Quake we’re talking about here.

As usual with a [Kona] map, the gameplay is intense. Right from the start you are given the shotgun and you’re going to need it. After dispatching 4 guards you encounter Gunner after Gunner. To bad this intensity doesn’t keep throughout the entire level. Once you finally begin to get the bigger weapons the enemies don’t get any harder. The biggest you will encounter are the Tanks and there are only two at different times.

The level design is fairly simple but looks nice. It is a Strogg temple that resides over, what appears to be, a lake of lava. The metal textures used help give off the impression that this would be the type of structure that the Strogg would build. Unfortunately, the level is very linear until the last part and you find yourself borderline bored as you progress.

In summary, Tomb of the Makron God may not score the highest of [Kona]’s works but it still will provide you with entertainment as it moves along the Mel Soaring story.

- DorKwolf

One Response to Mel Soaring3: Tomb of the Makron God »»


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