My World is Your World

Content - Quake - Quake Levels - Quake Single Player

Author: Martin Goedtke | Rating: 7.88 | Download:

Here we have a fairly old map, from midway through 1997. It’s a metal map, but that’s the only standard that this map adheres to, as this map is very creative.

Architecture is down right strange, but it’s good. Many angled shapes make up the level, which really don’t look like anything. And the proportions of the map are very unlike the standard, such as nearly vertical staircases, extremely large rooms, and most walls not set at 90 degree angles, for the most part they are wedge shaped. Very unusual, but it works great. This map does have some great looking areas, such as where you find the gold key, which is a huge room with pillars, a giant cross, and giant pentagram on opposite ends. Lighting is very dark, which is creates great atmosphere, as well as much disorientation, especially at the end.

Layout is once again unusual. There is a lot to do to complete this map, hitting switches, getting both keys, getting all runes, and that’s just for starters. This map covers a lot of area, but it’s all connected nicely. This map has some of the best entity tricks I have ever seen, it’s amazing Martin did this level with strictly id code. Particulary interesting is that you fight Chthon, but in a very different fashion, which injects life into a somewhat tired scenario.

Game play is extremely hard, sometimes to the point of frustration. For the first half of the map all you have is the shotguns, and you are fighting scrags,fiends and ogres. So very many ogres. They have great placement, making them even harder. Although the weapon selection is somewhat meager to start out with, eventually you get every weapon, and ammo is always adequate. Health, however, is a different story, being on the short side, although in all fairness, it usually is provided after tough fights. The ending is simply great, I was surprised when I first saw it, so I’m not going to ruin it.

With such high creativity, do not pass this up, it more than compensates for the extreme difficulty.

- Edgecrusher

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One Response to My World is Your World »»


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