Water Works

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: Doug Magee | Rating: 8.00 | Download: water_works.zip

The Water Works level was split up by the author in order to improve r_speeds, so it actually consists of two smaller maps joined together. The first part, a facility, is a nice base-style design with a water column as a central feature. The player must eliminate all resistance in order to obtain the key needed to advance. A long swim through the water column is required in order to reach the door to the second part of the level. The second part takes place on a beautifully constructed dam, complete with sluice gates and turbines, and of course, lots of resistance :)

Play balance is excellent throughout, with several secrets (including one cleverly hidden one) to discover, and plenty of firepower to pick up. It also has one of the more satisfying finishes to a Quake 2 map: a wall of water that floods the level when the dam is destroyed, forcing the player to make a wild swim for the exit before running out of air. The biggest drawback to this level is that, despite being big enough to be split across two maps, it is over a little too quick. A competent player can make it through both maps and achieve the objective in less than 15 minutes, and that’s assuming he has never played the level.

Although the level is short, it is fun. I recommend this as a nice diversion, if for no other reason than to admire the construction of the dam. Definitely worth the download.

- Zoopster

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