
Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: Greg Barr | Rating: 7.05 | Download:

Here we pull another classic out of the Quake2 vault, Greg Barr’s Incarceration. You find yourself imprisoned on a Strogg vessel, luckily, the Strogg never check for your Blaster. Blast your way out of the cell and destroy the ship. As the .txt file so subtly states, “Your life is NOT important.”

In its day, Incarceration was a gem and even still it shows why. The gameplay, though not incredibly difficult, provides generous amounts of fun. Veteran players will find themselves literally stomping through the level, wasting everything unfortunate enough to enter the crosshairs.

The level is slightly unbalanced in the players favor, offering up to good of a weapons selection to soon. Your list of baddies isn’t that long either with only two Gladiators and a few Gunners providing the biggest threats.

The level itself is designed very well with large hangars looking out into space. For most of it Greg pulls off the ship theme but some parts feel like they would be better placed in a base map.

Overall, Incarceration can hold its head up high after all of these years. I know it put a smile on my face running through this level again and I believe you will enjoy it too. Just beware, the ending does hold a nice surprise for you.

- DorKwolf

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