En Force

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Multiplayer
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Author: Mr.Clean | Rating: 8.50 | Download: mrc-ef.zip

Now we all know Mr. Clean, but have we all played his very first publicly released map? Well I haven’t, so I gave this one a spin, and I just have to wonder, can this guy make a bad map? Lets kick things off with item placement, you’ll be able to find all your weapons, including the BFG, and an extra chaingun. Also the Mega-Health, quad, and adrenaline can be found in the map, but they’re not so easy to find. The adrenaline powerup you’ll easily run into, but the quad and mega health won’t easily be ran across, which is good. Weapons are spaced out fairly well, although a lot of the weapons can be kind of unnecessary. With two chainguns inside the level, I questioned the machinegun, along with the shotgun being in the level. That was until I played through the map for awhile, and realized that the machine gun was important while I was fending off some Eraser bots with it. You won’t have to worry too much about having a weapon, and you won’t need to worry about your health too much either. There’s plenty of health spaced out evenly throughout the level, but there’s not too much either. It feels just about right, along with the health you’ll be able to find each kind of armor in En Force.

When you get to the looked is where some of the points come off. While the map looks nice, there’s very few textures used, and the map is quite dark. The map consists of many tight hallways twined together to make a very frantic close combat death match extravaganza. The problem I ran into though was with the same texture being used on the majority of the map, you can get lost easily. This takes a bit of strategy out of the map, and turns it into more of a rampant frag parade, not that that’s necessarily a bad thing. The overall architecture of the map is rather simple, but doesn’t draw away from the smooth game play of the map which essentially is what matters.

For a first release this is definitely a great map for some fast fragging action. Even though the map isn’t the prettiest thing out there, it has superb item/weapon placement, and the action flows smoothly throughout the levels. Definitely add this map to your collection, its a guaranteed fragfest!

- f4nt

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