
Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: Mike Daugherty | Rating: 7.80 | Download:

You start off landing on an asteroid where Arkanian’s base is located. Seems normal enough until your oxygen starts running out!

Arkanian does a nice job of adding that bit of urgency through out this three level pack. In more than one spot does Mr. Daugherty use the lack of oxygen ploy to get you hustling to the next area. Unfortunately it doesn’t completely work since practically the entire base has an open ceiling!

Other than that small gripe Arkanian was a joy to play. Gameplay was challenging enough to keep me on my toes with just the right amount of ammo and health deployed throughout the levels. I must admit I was pleasently surprised to find myself enjoying the level more and more as I progressed. The gameplay is definitely what makes Arkanian shine.

You won’t see anything new when it comes to architecture here. Yet each area has a certain touch to it that keeps it interesting and fresh. The level design is also done well in the way it takes you through areas already conquered. This gives the level a sense of completeness.

So other than the base being wide open yet there being a lack of oxygen problem only in certain areas and the first map seeming pointless, (you run into the base and it’s over), I enjoyed Arkanian and I recommend it to you.

- DorKwolf

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