Rust in Peace

Content - Quake - Quake Levels - Quake Single Player

Author: Mike Ruete | Rating: 8.75 | Download:

Here with have a very fun metal map for you, from the earlier days of Quake mapping. This is a very high quality production, using
the wind tunnels, which are rarely used, but when utilized correctly, can make a level great fun.

Bronze metal with imposing red lights greet you in the first room, and this style is carried on throughout the level. Much care has been given, all light sources seem to have origin, and the red lights add a lot of substance to the level. This map uses strictly id textures, but this is an original take on them. Every area has visual interest, with the rocky cavern at the start and the various wind tunnel entrances and exits being the highlight.

Layout is definetly 3-D, as should any level that uses wind tunnels, but the verticality does not just come from wind tunnels. New ledges overlook previous areas, which is always nice. No keys are required in this level, but there is a lot of button pushing, but nothing too monotonous. There are a few nail shooters around, in particular a room the has them coming from all direction. This is a trap room you don’t want to fall into, seeing as it’s also filled with spawn. Four secrets are for the taking, of which I found three. The secrets were very helpful, but not a necessary.

Excellent game play compliments the great build. About half of the monsters in this level are teleported in, so always be on the lookout. This is good, as it has a sense of always being more careful, always in anticipation of where the teleporting sound you heard just came from. Your main enemies are Scrags, Ogres, Enforcers and Fiends, with the odd Vore and Shambler. Very fun stuff. The ending is kind of a let down though, seeing as how it’s lightly guarded, and you have all the weapons. But the journey is well worth it. Skill settings are in effect.

Go out and download this. You would be doing yourself an injustice if you did not.

- Edgecrusher

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One Response to Rust in Peace »»


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