Carved in Flesh

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Author: [Kona] | Rating: 9.20 | Download:

[Kona] no longer makes Quake maps, therefore it may be safe to say that Carved in Flesh is quite likely his “magnum opus”. A three map experience that will challenge and surprise you, Carved in Flesh is a must download for any singleplayer fan. Let me explain why.

As with all [Kona] map releases you can expect solid architecture, close attention to detail, a cohesive theme, and custom monsters designed to spice up combat. Carved in flesh delivers on all counts. The story of the mapset is that you are earth’s last hope to stop a trans-dimensional evil being that has repeatedly throughout time attacked the earth, destroying all civilization. You must invade the temple stronghold of earths ancient enemy and end the cycle of destruction. The first level is a trek through the mountainous region that conceals the temple to the main gate, where you must break though the opposition. The second map begins your search through the temple, while the third concludes it.

The architecture in this mapset is more epic than that seen in previous [Kona] efforts. You won’t see a reliance on his standard structural motifs. While the rocky terrain of the first map is pretty standard (you can only make rocks look so fancy), the temple of map two and three is a sight to behold. Unlike much of the dreary texturing in the standard Quake levels, [Kona]’s temple is bright. The walls are adorned with what appears to be intricate jade mosaics, and stained glass. You will want to stop and appreciate their detail.

The monster selection has been beefed up significantly. While many standard Quake enemies will appear, you will also face:

  • tiny Fiends that attack in packs
  • huge shielded boss Fiends
  • floating spectral Wizards that fire Vore-style homing projectiles
  • Nehara Barons
  • Axemen who can teleport and fire lightening
  • Death Knights with extremely rapid projectiles
  • a female enemy that appears to be a Quake 1-ized version of the female Strogg from Quake 2
  • a new type of Shambler that has an attack quite similar to the Doom II arch-vile
  • and of course, the big boss you’ve come to slay.

Surprisingly, all of these custom monsters work. None of them feel out of place. Several, however, have poor fashion sense. A few of the custom enemies are teal or purple colored. While bright, non-earth tone colors are a nice change of pace for Quake, it’s hard to take a teal enemy seriously. The new monsters do increase the difficulty, but their judicious use and placement makes normal difficulty taxing, but doable for the competent Quake player.

There are several large scale conflicts you will engage in over the course of the maps, but [Kona] gives you room to circlestrafe effectively, and that is usually the best course of action. You will likely die a few times, but that’s what frequent saving is for. Ammo and health are tight, but aren’t undersupplied. You will use nearly all of what you get and will be nearly ammo-less at several points.

The mapset’s weak point is likely it’s inclusion of several new weapons that just don’t cut it when compared to the Quake classics. Now don’t panic, no regular weapons were replaced only new were added. The new weapons are:

  • The Flame Launcher, a nailgun modified to shoot fire which can ignite your enemies
  • The Freeze gun, a perforator modified to shoot freezing bolts (they don’t kill, you have to smash your foe with something else once they freeze)
  • and a modified version of the grenade launcher called the Positron beam.

Of the three, only the Positron beam is any fun. The others are just not worth the effort. They don’t feel as dependable as the classic Quake firearms. Luckily, there is enough ammo for other guns that you will rarely need to use the new ones.

All in all, Carved in Flesh is an exemplary singleplayer Quake experience that ranks somewhere up there with the best maps ever produced. Give it a play through. You won’t regret it.

- Marius

*added note
Each of the new weapons are reviewed and available separately. For for the latest versions of the Blaze gun and the Freeze gun you will need Carved in Flesh or Autumn Haunting.

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