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Author: Fern | Rating: 7.88 | Download:

Courtesy of mapper Fern, here we have a large medieval looking map. The texture style is very unique, gray stone and detailing, under a night sky, for some reason inspired Egyptian imagery within. Accompanying the custom textures are some normal id ones, like the the key and runic symbols.

Architecture is on the simple side, but still good. Rooms are for the most part nicely done, stone blocks with this neat triangle texture for trim, and the occasional corner pillar. Deviations from the main style are few and far between, although the exit teleporter is in a different style, it somehow fits in. The ceilings have angled sections, but most visual interest is achieved via great texturing. This map does feel cramped at times, but not too bad.

Layout is very good, you have to do various things to unlock doors, such as pressing buttons, getting keys and runes. One interesting thing I found which I liked was that some doors were locked, saying that they were barred with Hell magic, for instance, and you must find the corresponding rune to unlock it. But as matching doors might have been a bit confusing, once you pick up the rune you are teleported to that very door. I liked the the layout, I never got lost once, and you can use some teleporters to your advantage…

Gameplay is frantic, challenging, but very fun. There is a very high constigency of knights, ogres, scrags and vores, with the occasional fiend and shambler thrown in. Things are hectic, with teleporting monsters, walls falling away to reveal monsters, and being teleported without warning to very tough situations. Monsters are used effectively, especially the vores, with many times being placed long range, where their voreball is the deadliest. Although it’s tough, ammo and health are always adequate. The ending is cool, your look through a doorway and see three shamblers clumped together, and that’s just the beginning…

Fun map, with some great custum textures. Get it.

- Edgecrusher

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