Pain Elemental

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Multiplayer
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Author: SleepWalkR | Rating: 7.05 | Download:

One thing you’ll notice as you walk around this level is the wonderfully detailed architecture created by SleepWalkR. The trim around the ledges, on the stairs, and along the walls really show off how hard he worked at making this level just look magnificent. Everything is beautifully constructed and absolutely flawless. Along with that the lighting is some of the best I’ve ever witnessed. You’ll notice spot lights in a few of the hallways that really gives the level a very moody feel to it. The layout of the level itself lends to some excellent game flow. You’ll have a good mix of vertical and horizontal fighting throughout the level, but it becomes hindered a bit by some quirky weapon placement. Also one tiny quirk bugged me. There’s a couple elevators that require a button press, granted you just run straight into the elevator back wall and that presses the button, but still. That’s a split second your back is turned to the enemy that isn’t necessary. Maybe I’m just a pansy, but I like automatic elevators.

All of your strong fire power will be found near the highest points of the level which makes some sense, I admit, but it also hurts you a little bit. You’ll find the GL, RL, and the Rail all at the top of the map, and after you grab those you won’t need to leave the upper area too much. You should probably be able to dominate from those higher grounds if you’re a camper. If you want the Red Armor though, you’re going to have to make a quick drop to the bottom of the map for that though, which helps to get the campers off their perch. You’ll find your close range, and automatic weaponry in the lower areas of the map where they’re most appropriate.

Overall, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with this map, just a few quirks here and there. If bot play is your thing, then this map really works quite well with the old bots. This map just doesn’t have anything significant features that make it shine out, but none the less it’s still a really good level. Go on and give it a whirl, it may strike you differently than it did myself.

- f4nt

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