
Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Multiplayer
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Author: Maric | Rating: 8.90 | Download:

Weathered was released by Maric around seven months ago, and what an excellent job he has done to bring this delightfully hellish world to us. Ominous rumbling background sounds, decayed brick/metal textures and a brewing storm overhead really set the mood for a good old Q2 bloodbath. The pale yellowish lighting is spot on and used in conjunction with a darker yellow/orange lighting used for the pulsating weapon pads.

The sprawling layout consists of several large multi level atriums connected by winding hallways and a few cleverly placed side chambers. In select areas at the ground level, fans have been used effectively as a means to *push* the player up to the next floor. A nice change from you standard Q3 style jump pads. Gameplay is furious at a 6 to 8 player load, fewer players lead to a good cat and mouse style of game.

As Maric said himself the weapon placement is a bit “over the top” with two each of the rail gun, rocket launcher and chain gun. But this is a large level and the added weapons actually enhance gameplay as a player shouldn’t have to search too long to find a decent tool of destruction. All weapons make an appearance in this level including *t3h L337* BFG10K, but you will have to manage a rocket jump to the upper roof tops to find it.

All in all this is a great display of Marics skill in Q2DM level design, both in the flowing connectivity and utterly dismal atmosphere that can be found in this level. I highly recommend this level to any and all of you Q2 junkies out there.:-)

- D13H4RD

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