Mel Soaring 5: Ancient Rigby

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: [Kona] | Rating: 8.68 | Download:

Our favorite anti-hero, living on a planet called Meeylark, is forced into battle with those pesky Strogg again. This time Mel has learnt that they have set up camp on a neighboring moon and they could be a threat to his way of life, or something like that.

[Kona]’s Mel Soaring series really don’t implement the stories into their levels so we won’t concentrate on it. Instead we’ll look at these gorgeous maps that give the player some of the best gameplay Quake2 has to offer.

The action explodes right at the first door. As you step in you are immediately shot at by Gunners, Guards, and a Gunner. Thankfully you get the shotgun right off but it’s definitely not the room clearer you wished it would be. This scenario continues for sometime since practically every room is housing for this line-up.

Almost every Quake2 creature makes an appearance at some point in the game and every weapon is given minus the B.F.G. and Chaingun. Item placement is done well and the monster placement is excellent. As with most [Kona] maps, the balance usually leans toward the Strogg because of a serious lack of health. Keep the save button ready.

The level design of alk06 is set up to be an ancient castle that the Strogg are temporarily occupying. Here is where the story works into the level since the Quake2 baddies don’t look right in this environment at all. It’s mostly made up of sandy brick textures and gives off an atmosphere more associated with Quake, not Quake2. I could see this being confusing for someone who hadn’t read the accompaning story.

Though the level suffers from being slightly unbalanced and the Strogg characters feel out of place, Ancient Rigby offers up great gameplay that you shouldn’t miss. Download away.

- DorKwolf

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