The Bloodshrine

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: James Parkman | Rating: 7.85 | Download:

Here we have what the author calls the sequel to Abandon All Hope. The story line in the .txt file says that the Strogg are battling it out over who will be the next Makron, the leader of the Strogg race. In Abandon All Hope we destroyed a different overlord trying to be the next Makron. Ah, see how the two work together to show you the complete picture? No. Oh well, the story line doesn’t mean much anyway!

The Bloodshrine is dubbed a Strogg temple which is portrayed right from the start. Unfortunately, once you enter the temple doors you go back to the base style of mapping. Thankfully, this level doesn’t suffer from the “linear blues” as badly as his others levels do and you find yourself with a tiny bit more to explore this time.

As you move through the level you will notice a few new textures here and there but mostly it’s your standard id textures. There are a couple of nice eye candy shots though, like the Psionic Nullification device near the end of the level. At least I think that was what it was, the .txt file mentions it anyway.

In fact, the end of the level is by far the best part. The author sets a darker mood with a prison area leading to the Psionic Nullification do-hickey. If this mood could have be done through out the entire level we might have had a real gem on our hands.

The big award goes to gameplay! The Bloodshrine has a quick pace set to it with great balance. You have to keep an eye on your health in battle but there usually isn’t a pack too far away.

Overall, Bloodshrine isn’t a bad level, nor is it the cream of the crop. Worth being an addition to anyone’s archive.

- DorKwolf

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