Gib Me Liberty

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: Ed Cope | Rating: 7.00 | Download:

This map brings back a lot of memories being created not long after Quake2’s release. Unlike most maps of it’s time Gib Me Liberty still provides fun gameplay and is an example of great mapping ideas.

Though the gameplay is easy with plenty of ammo and health there was a factor that a lot of maps are missing……. fun! I found myself enjoying this level from start to finish. This is what great gameplay is all about.

The design of Gib Me is a Quake2 base using all original id textures and it works well. The most intriguing part is the see through floor area where you get to watch lasers clear out the room below.

The maps story is supposed to be that you are a prisoner who is trying to escape. This theme is done nicely with plenty of cells and a moaning prisoners through out the level. One has to wonder why the Strogg would leave a prisoner with his blaster?

In summary, Gib Me Liberty is one of those classic levels that every Quake2 lover should play. Though it doesn’t rank as high as the more complicated maps, it scores a 10 in fun.

- DorKwolf

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