
Content - Quake - Quake Levels - Quake Single Player - Quake Multiplayer
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Author: [Kona] | Rating: 7.25 | Download:

Alk08 consists of two maps. One for Single Player and one for Deathmatch.

The architecture for Charmhood is great. For deathmatch, the design is perfect for some intense action. Plenty of ways to escape and attack and the level allows you to move around it’s corridors quickly. For single play, the design is cramped giving to much leverage to the Quake enemies. The corridors are blocked off in the single player version to try to add to the game play, but instead it ads to the already strong sense of tightness and can become a claustrophobic’s nightmare.

For deathmatch the weapons and health might be a little excessive but other wise fine. This level is definitely set up for some high frag scores. For single player the weapons and health are almost not enough. The creature count is only around 70 but when you look at their positioning above and around you, and how none are visible until you begin to collect the runes, you can see that you are definitely in an unfair position.

Overall, Charmhood makes for an action packed deathmatch level that deathmatch fans will enjoy. Single player fans will probably want to steer clear but everyone will enjoy the architecture.

- DorKwolf

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