Cheops Revenge

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: Phil Abbott | Rating: 7.70 | Download:

Cheops revenge is not about an asian fast food restaurant owner gone crazy, it’s about time travelling strogg and their will to overcome. The strogg feel that if they get to us before we develop any weapons of significant caliber-they could defeat us. So, they travel back to Cheop’s pyramid, thousands of years in the past, to take advantage of our technological weakness and destroy human kind. You have to take out the commander and the slipgate. The only problem is, after completing the goal of killing commander evilness, you will be left back in that time unless you find a data cd to activate the slipgate and simutanously destroy it. Yes, all alone in a dark pyramid, and I don’t remember seeing any water.

Cheop’s Revenge is a good map. It has a simple plot with a straight foward approach and a good design. I especially liked the egyptian wall textures. The slipgate room was very well done. Cheops has some nice puzzles and the goal of getting the CD to active the slipgate, added a personal touch as your going to need it to escape. The game is challenging(I played on normal difficulty), but I do think the strogg were overpowering in certain spots of the map. Especially when having to fight in a hallway only shoulders width or having the exits blocked by lasers. Cheops Revenge does manage to seperate any heavy combat areas with time to gather yourself. One spot hinted of a gang scene; where a pack of strogg come walking around a corner to do some old fashioned bludgeoning. Too bad for them they didn’t have bats, cause my shotguns were a recoiling with no toilin. After finding the CD you may not find yourself with much health or ammo left. Ammo and weapons aren’t a plenty, I like that. Having only so much health and a few shotgun shells left; made me feel a real sense of urgency, or as my doctor keeps telling me-anxiety with post sensory realism([afflicted]) and obsessive compulsive disorder with symptoms of panic disorderment.

I would not of minded playing this map another hour or so. The textures were good, the passageways inside the pyramid were good, and the goals were logical(for time travelling strogg and all). I had fun playing this map. I think it could have had less enemies in certain situations(yet, there are difficulty levels you can choose from) and more puzzles or booby-trapped tombs, but overall Cheops Revenge is a good clean map with difficult combat areas, switches that keep you in the game, and not too much of an arsenal to make you cocky. (note to self*-ended with a sentence containing booby, cocky, and switches[adjust meds])

- Sawyer

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