Exterior Infiltration

Content - Quake2 - Quake2 Levels - Quake2 Single Player
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Author: Marty Howe | Rating: 7.75 | Download: infil.zip

From 1998 comes Marty Howe’s Exterior Infiltration and to this reviewers surprise, it was just as fun as when I played it 7 years ago.

You’ll begin this level right after you’ve crashed your ship, nothing new here, right? Well, this time the crash leaves you with only 20 health and a super shotgun. This was great because this added to the gameplay right at the start. Where you would normally go straight in blasting you now have to plan out your attack because the simplest enemy could take you down.

Next, Marty takes you through an acid filled cave where you have to play leap frog while fighting, and still you have that health problem to be concerned with. It stays intense like this for a while until Marty finally lightens up and gives you the much needed health and ammo. After this the gameplay becomes your standard play.

The level design marked well in its day and still holds up fairly well today. The pumping station theme is pulled off nicely with plenty of acid and pipes every where. In fact the acid makes up a big part of the first map, forcing you to find an Enviro-suit to exit the level.

The second level takes you deeper into the station where item placement really stands out. I’ve always liked it when authors placed items within boxes so it looks like they were being shipped. This always appealed more to me than guns just lying around for anyone to pick up. The second level is requires tighter fighting skills than the first map. You are now indoors trapped within hallways and walkways surrounded by slime. To bad the action isn’t any more fierce here because the railgun makes short work of your foes.

Exterior Infiltration, I must say, has stood the test of time and proven itself a rightful place among any Quakers archive. Don’t pass on this gem!

- DorKwolf

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