The Looming Madness

Content - Quake - Quake Levels - Quake Single Player
screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Author: [Kona] | Rating: 8.13 | Download:

played this level on normal and I think it left bruises. The Looming Madness is as difficult as it is beautiful. Featuring textures from Heretic, Diakatana, and Rogue, this level is simply one of the coolest this reviewer has played.

The architecture is outstanding. The ruined temple theme here really grabs you and brings you into its world. The texture usage is nothing but perfection. It was very hard to choose where to take screenshots.

The reason the score isn’t higher is because [Kona] just loves to leave you empty handed, throwing off the balance of the game. You will find yourself begging for ammunition and health. All I can say is keep one hand on the save button and push it often. If not, you will be angered by how many times you will have to restart the level. My best example of the difficulty is in screenshot 2. This is a huge open area where you must defeat a room full of knights, 4 shamblers, and then more knights. The best explanation is in the .txt file : “Monsters are not scarce - around 130 including the Snakeman, Gremlin and a stronger class of Knights”.

Overall, the game play is great. Total action from beginning to end. Not to mention some of the best architecture you will find. A definite must to have in your collection.

- DorKwolf

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