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The two men stand in the resupply room, staring into each other’s eyes. Viper and The Hunter have been partners in combat many times before and this one is no different. Each one will risk his life to steal the precious flag from the enemy. The only comfort one man has, is that the other will be watching his back. They are the most hated of all men on the battlefield. They are spies.

"So what is the plan?" Viper asks as he disguises himself as an enemy engineer. The computerized disguise washes over his body like a waterfall. “We swim through the water passage into the flag room. To not attract any attention, we will head to the sniper deck and up those elevators, towards our prize. Take out anybody that suspects us but try to gain the trust of as many people as we can. The key is to get the flag and not to go on a killing spree.” The Hunter finishes his speech and feels the tingling sensation as his new look fades over him. An engineer and a medic pick up their backpacks and head to their destination.

* * *
The men come out of the water quickly and sneak out of the flag room. Viper leads the way up the ramp towards the battlements. The hunter can see the hunger in his friend’s eyes, hi hunger for blood. Viper probably wouldn’t go on these flag runs if it weren’t for his friendship with The Hunter. All he cared about was taking the life of the enemy. That is the one thing that separated these two friends.

The battlements were clear, which made Viper very mad. He cursed under his breath. “I hate it when these little sitting ducks aren’t up here for the taking!” he muttered. They both climbed onto the elevator and began to the attic. To their surprise, a sniper was gathering supplies and had no clue of what they really were. The sniper stopped and stared at them and then began to move on. Viper lunged quickly with his knife, his disguise fading immediately. The swing missed as the sniper turned around with wide eyes. He began to set his rifle on auto but instead dropped it as cold steel slid into his throat. He grabbed his throat and blood leaked between his fingers. The poor man fell to his knees in a pool of blood. Viper stood over him, smiling and mocking the dying enemy. “Let’s get moving!”

The Hunter changed his disguise to a soldier as his partner turned back into an engie. They stepped on the elevator, their hearts pumping, wondering what they were going to see. The elevator rose to the top floor and standing there was a heavy weapons guy. Across the catwalk was an engineer who had built a sentry to guard the flag. The mechanical beast beeping and tracking everyone’s movement. The Hunter tossed the HW guy an ammo pack, hoping he would fit in. Fatty looked down and then waked towards the backpack. After picking it up he muttered a thank you. “You guys taking over? D is getting very boring. Hope you have a good time, hahaha,” he chuckled as he left the flag room. All that was left was the engineer and his pet.

“Viper, you distract the engineer, while I blow the sg. I’ll grab the flag and jump for the water. Disguise yourself again and follow me. If anything happens, you pick up the flag. We must get it back, at all costs,” he whispered. Viper went to the right half of the catwalk, over to the engineer. He through him an ammo pack, then glanced at his comrade and nodded to the flag. The Hunter walked casually to the room holding the flag. He primed two grenades and tossed them. Before they exploded, he heard muffled screams but the exploding sentry soon drowned them out. He opened the barred window, grabbed the flag and took a leap of faith into the water. The water splashed as he slammed into it. He swam down the tunnel, dropping gas grenades behind him. The Hunter climbed out of the water, making a mad dash across the enemy yard, to the bunker. He glanced behind him and saw the red engineer following him, Viper. He dropped into the water on his team’s side and headed for the capture point.

He was low on health from stray bullets penetrating his armor as he ran. The Hunter got out of the water and stood at the doors to the cap point. Soon after Viper came into the room. “Our plan worked, huh? Well here is the moment we have been waiting for?” He turned and opened the doors. While he was placing the flag in the capture point, he felt a warm pain as slugs from a shotgun pumped into his stomach. The flag dropped to the ground. It happened so fast, The Hunter had no clue what was going on. When he opened his eyes, he didn’t see his friend, but the same engie that was in the enemies’ flag room. Those screams he heard must have been Viper’s. Not the enemy’s. The Hunter closed his eyes as the pain rushed through him. The world turned into blackness and then colors faded in. The Hunter was back in the resupply room. Viper was standing in the corner, tapping his foot. “What took you so long, and why didn’t you cap the flag?! Well nevermind that, what is the plan this time?”

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