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TF Deciple's Entry

I am the TF Deciple, I have come to participate in your contest because I believe that a signed Half-Life CD would help me fight crime. Now please, don't look at me like that, I mean it. I believe a signed copy of half-life would impart some superhero powers unto myself in which I am currently sorely lacking. Why? Because It is signed by Robin Walker! Oh the other people are all well and good, but Robin Walker is a god made flesh, and thus any object which he touches must have mystical properties. The ability of a signed half-life CD in my crusade against all that is evil (usually the red team) will be further enhanced by a new new copy of Half-Life, for sadly, my 4 year old copy of half-life is reaching the end of its days, and my secret identity (which is adverse to criminal actions) is that of a struggling college student, unable to make even his most basic needs met!

This new signed CD, though held in the greatest respect, would be used as a Half-Life CD should be used, for playing Team Fortress (please pause for I have spoken the true name). My theory on why the signature of Robin Walker can hold so much power is this, Robin Walker is not truly an Australian, oh that's the corporal form he uses among us mere mortals, but I believe that the devine programmer is actually a celestial being, sent down to give us team fortress when the time was right! This vessel of righteousness was to be delivered to us in the quake engine, and it being found lacking, was moved to none other that Half-Life! After seeing its incarnations, and the work in progress it has been (and aren't humans just a work in progress?) that the game has only become better and better, for Robin himself is infallible! A devine talisman of such worth would give me the ability to defend a flag room like no other being before me, even reaching the lofty heights as one who is allowed to intercede on the behalf of such a talisman.

Now some may argue (infedels) that Gabe Newell and the others on the CD are as much a reason for the success of Team Fortress as Robin Walker, BUT they are speaking blasphemy! Remember, the deciples of Jesus were his friends, and followers, but when it came down to it, it was the will of christ that moved things into the right direction. Robin Walker's (Again I have typed his name too many times in a row, and I insist you pause for silence) mere presence on the earth inspired in some instance the creation of Half-Life, which was created using elements of the Quake engine, DO YOU NOT SEE THE CONNECTION! The Half-Life engine was made using elements of the Quake engine, the ORIGINAL VESSEL OF HIS CREATION!

My belief in HIM and his Devine Creation will keep me going, because who am I to DEMAND a holy talisman of such portent as a CD signed by HIM, a CD which houses HIS Devine Creation. Though all I can do is send out this prayer, this call to the powers that be for intercession in this matter, I know that it is not up to me to judge the actions of HIM, for I know that YOU, the contest director, are none other than a being of intercession in these matters, and will follow the Devine insperation and give the CD to who is most deserving, but I am hoping that I have made my case clear, and the desperate straights that I am in for the furtherance of my crime fighting abilities against the forces of all that is wrong in this world. For my time is running short, the CD which I currently have is whirring, whirring away into the nether existance where such things must go. Soon, I may have to search in the wilderness for my own talisman, my own ICON of worth, which shall cost me, and cost me dearly, so that I may do a HOLY reinstall of Half-Life and use the path of riteousness (the internet to unbeleivers) to upgrade it to the latest release of Team Fortress (pause), but if the Devine Presence through you would grant me my boon, I would not only have a truly Devine Talisman, but also a completely riteous T-Shirt, and the ability to properly browse for interenet games, with a completely registered copy of a tool of riteousness (any tool that allows one to browse for TFC games).

Thank you for hearing my plee. May your sentry be level 3, the scouts have caltropped feet, and your spy checking be true.

TF Deciple

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