Features | Articles | FoxBot Review

FoxBot Review
Taking a look at the most prominent bot for Team Fortress Classic. Want a tagline? It rocks.
The Warthog

How To Do It
Using the FoxBot is easy. First download the bot, and if you'd like to try out the Mini GUI 3.0 that is an easy-to-use setup program to specify the skill, type, names and everything that is customizable with the FoxBot. Load Team Fortress Classic, select 'Multiplayer' -> 'Lan Game' -> 'Create Game' select the player limit and map then have at it! The FoxBot will automatically add bots to a lan game by default, if you used the Mini GUI you'll already have chosen how many will join (and what class). At any time during the game you can remove and add bots via the console (press the tilde "~" key). Here's the rundown from the extensive FoxBot documentation:
Console Commands - Addbot
There are several different ways you can use the addbot command to add bots to your game.
1)addbot - By typing just the command addbot, a single bot will be added to the game. The computer will select the bots team, class, and name.
2)addbot x - The addbot command followed by a space and a number will add a bot to the team of your choice. 1=Blue 2=Red… The computer will select the bots class and name.
3)addbot x x - The addbot command followed by 2 separate numbers will add a bot to the game on the team of your choice, as the class of your choice. The first number is the team number. The second number is the number of the class as seen in the class selection menu. The computer will select the bots name.
4) addbot x x name - This command is identical to the one above, except that you assign the bot a name by adding one to the line after the second number Example: addbot 1 2 BigBot This command will add a bot to the blue team(1) as a sniper(2) with the name BigBot.
5) addbot x x name skill - This command is the most specific. Same as the one above, except after the name you would put another number. This number would be the skill level of this particular bot.

Example: addbot 1 2 BigBot 1

This command will add a bot to the blue team(1) as a sniper(2) with the name BigBot and the skill level of 1. (1 is best 5 is worst)

This is my show.
Kicking Bots
You may kick the bots at any time by typing kick followed by the bots name.
Ex: kick BigBot- will kick the bot named Bigbot from the game. You may also remove all the bots from the game by typing the command kickall

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