Features | Articles | Valve Trip | New TFC Models

Valve Trip Overview
DieHard, Hellchick and The Warthog flew to Seattle to visit Valve Software and see what exactly is going on over there these days. Some very cool things are going down, plus we got lots of needed questions answered. Rock!
The Warthog

The new models were simply awesome. The option is in there for everyone to switch back for personal preference or performance issues. And while the new models do use a higher poly count and such, the overall load of the new models and halflife is nothing compared to Quake 3. So if for whatever reason you want to keep the old way you can, myself, I'll be using the new ones.

There are a couple new weapon models. Chuck Jones has been working on them as a personal mission. He originally did the models without really having the full view of the classes and their role. I.e. he didn't realize what a combat class the medic was, so the new models reflect the classes roles better now.

The demoman has a new pipebomb launcher model, but actually it's been around since the initial version, but just never got in the installer and lost.. He found it, so it's now in. If he has time he'll work on a new railgun and other things. The models are a pet project after this main release and we'll see new ones in a patch every now and then until they are happy with them all. He'd also like to redo the sentry model..

Robin showed off each class to us and they all look sweet. Lets just say that you'll recognize the HWGuy when you see him -- which is also now Robin's favorite model. He is beastly.

The models now sit lower. - Rather, it appears that way, there is no change for hitboxes or anything. But you do notice the difference as they are 6 to 8 “game inches” lower.

No longer does the scout look like a school boy running from the town bully. He now struts around in a full cameo (looks to be a Russian cut jacket style) and has a backpack to boot!

Looking close you will notice the scout also has a drop down mike and a slick looking visor.

There was a sale at the local Sniper's Surplus, so the sniper went shopping. Turning in his hat, the sniper picked up some new gear. Looking at the sniper he sports a ghillie suit which helps him blend into the environment. The detail level on the gun has increased as well; the scope has night-vision green lens.

Like most of the models the soldier is now a little bigger and a little more intimidating. Like the scout the soldier also has a backpack for his gear. You'll note that he has a new 3rd person rocket launcher model, just another visual enhancement (like the chaingun and pipebomb launcher). Finally, the soldier has a zebra stripped face paint, and new brain bucket.

The demoman looks like a good cop gone bad. Vest, visor, helmet, you can blow up stuff in style. The 3rd person pipe bomb model was originally suppose to been package with the first launch, but it slipped through the cracks and was lost (so it's now in). Either way the demoman looks great.

The old TFC medic never really fit into the game. He looked like he should have been in ER. The new medic is sporting some new rags, but still keeps the gas-mask and other tell tale items, but keeps the medic with the feel of the combat class that he can be.

Heavy Weapons Guy
"You'll know him when you see him." Whenever anyone who has seen this guy was asked what he looks like, that's the response given with a big grin. The HWGuy sports a new player model, a new 3rd person chain gun model and a new rip-roarrin' .wav to instill fear of any who cross it's path!

Robin had this to say, "The HWGuy definitely has to be my favorite model right now. Everyone want's to do a chaingun now, so we had to go back and beef ours up."

The chaingun model wouldn't be half as impressive without the rotating barrel animation, courtesy of Pink (of Frontline Force) -- I had to make mention of that because I owed Pink a favor since he let me use his computer and took one with no sound during the play test at Valve. Thanks man. [g]

Check out the visor! One thing you can really see is the way the visor adjust to the lighting. Demo and Scout have the same effect, but the visor on the pyro really shines. Like the other classes the pyro has the camo showing with the blue showing his team colors.

I suspect a lot more people will be playing pyro now with this new look, the beefier weapon he was given in the last patch, plus if they learn he can take a HWGuy down faster than -any- other class. Here's to some warm fights!


They Spy continues with the look he originally got in TFC. I know a few people were rooting for him to return to the James Bond look he had back in QTF, but when your playing in game, I think you'll agree he fits better with the rest of the classes with this look. Plus his gadgets (i.e. the wicked eyepiece) make him look sweet. -- I really dig the knife on his back, that also sells this model for me.

You'll notice that he looks rather scrawny in this pic, and well he is. Just compare him to the engineer. But the Spy is all about agility anyway, so it's all good.

The engineer still has the same basic design and still smokes the cigar (which is now beefier, and if were lucky will have a smoke sprite by the time of release). The model was cleaned up from the former design, the hard hat and overall still remain, but he has hit the weights to beef up, gotten a tan and is to be one bad ass engineer.

The Prez?

What about two-ton-Tessy's Lover?
Valve: The prez remains the same (this time, anyway).

Tomorrow we'll have our interview with Robin Walker, covering all kinds of areas in realm of Valve. there is still more to come all week! Enjoy!

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